04-29-2015 08:10 PM
2nd TX
to exist after the next business day duration of time has occurred and the timer event has fired? A crude illustration of this:2nd TX
to 1st TX
?05-04-2015 04:08 AM
05-04-2015 02:30 PM
. This way AssignAsynchronousWork
can be run again and then wait on the message once more.AsynchronousWorkComplete
again in order to progress – unless every task immediately after a message catching event is set to activiti:async="true"
. I would prefer to avoid that if possible.05-06-2015 05:28 AM
I realize this could probably be done in the BPMN through something like this:Yes.
pollute the BPMNsUse call activity or parse handler to add event gateway to async work.
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