05-28-2011 10:25 PM
1 darko@bitch …ay/BUILD/alfresco-community-3.4.d/root (svn)-[root:26807] % ant -projecthelp
Buildfile: build.xml
Main targets:
build Performs a clean build of all projects
build-modules Performs a clean build of all modules
build-tomcat Performs a clean build for Tomcat and deploys the Alfresco and application WAR files
clean Cleans everything, all projects, modules and all tomcat deployments
clean-application-tomcat-deploy Cleans all apps from the application Tomcat server
clean-mobile-projects Cleans all projects related to the mobile project
clean-modules Cleans all modules
clean-projects Cleans all projects
clean-slingshot-projects Cleans all projects related to the slingshot project
clean-tomcat-deployments Cleans all Tomcat server deployments
clean-virtual-tomcat-deploy Cleans the Virtual Tomcat deployment
clean-webclient-projects Cleans all projects related to the webclient project
clean-webclient-tomcat-deploy Cleans the Alfresco WAR from the Tomcat server
clean-webeditor-projects Cleans all projects related to the web editor project
context-dependency-list List out what bits of the context depend on which other bits. Specify -Dcontext= for a different context file, and/or more details
deploy-amp Deploys an AMP file to the web client WAR file. Usage deploy-amp -Dampfile=[ampfile]
deploy-mobile-tomcat Deploys the mobile WAR to the application Tomcat server
deploy-slingshot-tomcat Deploys the slingshot WAR to the application Tomcat server
deploy-virtual-tomcat Deploys to Virtual Tomcat (the virtualization server)
deploy-wcmquickstartwebapp-tomcat Deploys the WCM Quick Start Web App WAR to the application Tomcat server
deploy-webclient-tomcat Deploys the Alfresco WAR to Tomcat
deploy-webeditor-tomcat Deploys the web editor WAR to the application Tomcat server
distribute-amps Creates the distribution AMP file for all extensions
distribute-core-amps Creates the distribution AMP file for core extensions
distribute-extras Build distribution targets for enterprise projects
distribute-non-core-amps Creates the distribution AMP file for non-core extensions
file-format-check Find modified text files that are not WINDOWS, UTF-8. Look in directory -Ddir=[dir]
file-format-fix Fix modified text files that are not WINDOWS, UTF-8. Look in directory -Ddir=[dir]
generate-docs Compiles all documentation for all projects
incremental Performs an incremental build of all projects
incremental-mobile-tomcat Performs an incremental build and deployment of the mobile WAR
incremental-modules Performs an incremental build of all modules
incremental-slingshot-tomcat Performs an incremental build and deployment of the slingshot WAR
incremental-tomcat Performs an incremental build for Tomcat and deploys the Alfresco and application WAR files
incremental-webclient-depends Performs an incremental build of the dependencies of the Alfresco WAR
incremental-webclient-tomcat Performs an incremental build and deployment of the Alfresco WAR
incremental-webeditor-tomcat Performs an incremental build and deployment of the Web Editor WAR
package-sample-website Packages the sample website
run-junit-test Runs a single JUnit test. Usage run-test -Dtestcase=[test] -Dprojectdir=[dir] [-Dstoponerror=[yes|no]]
run-test Runs a single JUnit test bypassing the junit task. Usage run-test -Dtestcase=[test] -Dprojectdir=[dir]
start-tomcat-application Starts the application Tomcat server on Windows
start-tomcat-virtual Starts the virtual Tomcat server on Windows
start-tomcat-webclient Starts the Alfresco Tomcat server on Windows
start-tomcat-webclient-debug Starts the Alfresco Tomcat server on Windows in debug mode
test Runs unit tests for all the projects
05-29-2011 06:56 AM
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