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compiling for Jboss

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi there

I'm working for my own Start-Up on an Portal for my Enterprise. I don't know, I've begun with Liferay but currently I'm also looking on Apache Jetspeed. But the Application-Server will be Jboss 5.1. Solid like a rock and very well good documented. And I think the best maintained solution on FreeBSD my prefered Server-OS

So at all, some stuff on Liferay 6 doesn't fits my taste. Maybe Alfresco will do some jobs better on my Portal.

On I've read the instructions for Jboss

And currently I'm a little bit confused. The buildscripts for ANT hasn't the in the WIKI documented targets for Jboss.

1 darko@bitch …ay/BUILD/alfresco-community-3.4.d/root (svn)-[root:26807] % ant -projecthelp
Buildfile: build.xml

Main targets:

build                              Performs a clean build of all projects
build-modules                      Performs a clean build of all modules
build-tomcat                       Performs a clean build for Tomcat and deploys the Alfresco and application WAR files
clean                              Cleans everything, all projects, modules and all tomcat deployments
clean-application-tomcat-deploy    Cleans all apps from the application Tomcat server
clean-mobile-projects              Cleans all projects related to the mobile project
clean-modules                      Cleans all modules
clean-projects                     Cleans all projects
clean-slingshot-projects           Cleans all projects related to the slingshot project
clean-tomcat-deployments           Cleans all Tomcat server deployments
clean-virtual-tomcat-deploy        Cleans the Virtual Tomcat deployment
clean-webclient-projects           Cleans all projects related to the webclient project
clean-webclient-tomcat-deploy      Cleans the Alfresco WAR from the Tomcat server
clean-webeditor-projects           Cleans all projects related to the web editor project
context-dependency-list            List out what bits of the context depend on which other bits. Specify -Dcontext= for a different context file, and/or more details
deploy-amp                         Deploys an AMP file to the web client WAR file. Usage deploy-amp -Dampfile=[ampfile]
deploy-mobile-tomcat               Deploys the mobile WAR to the application Tomcat server
deploy-slingshot-tomcat            Deploys the slingshot WAR to the application Tomcat server
deploy-virtual-tomcat              Deploys to Virtual Tomcat (the virtualization server)
deploy-wcmquickstartwebapp-tomcat  Deploys the WCM Quick Start Web App WAR to the application Tomcat server
deploy-webclient-tomcat            Deploys the Alfresco WAR to Tomcat
deploy-webeditor-tomcat            Deploys the web editor WAR to the application Tomcat server
distribute-amps                    Creates the distribution AMP file for all extensions
distribute-core-amps               Creates the distribution AMP file for core extensions
distribute-extras                  Build distribution targets for enterprise projects
distribute-non-core-amps           Creates the distribution AMP file for non-core extensions
file-format-check                  Find modified text files that are not WINDOWS, UTF-8.  Look in directory -Ddir=[dir]
file-format-fix                    Fix modified text files that are not WINDOWS, UTF-8.  Look in directory -Ddir=[dir]
generate-docs                      Compiles all documentation for all projects
incremental                        Performs an incremental build of all projects
incremental-mobile-tomcat          Performs an incremental build and deployment of the mobile WAR
incremental-modules                Performs an incremental build of all modules
incremental-slingshot-tomcat       Performs an incremental build and deployment of the slingshot WAR
incremental-tomcat                 Performs an incremental build for Tomcat and deploys the Alfresco and application WAR files
incremental-webclient-depends      Performs an incremental build of the dependencies of the Alfresco WAR
incremental-webclient-tomcat       Performs an incremental build and deployment of the Alfresco WAR
incremental-webeditor-tomcat       Performs an incremental build and deployment of the Web Editor WAR
package-sample-website             Packages the sample website
run-junit-test                     Runs a single JUnit test. Usage run-test -Dtestcase=[test] -Dprojectdir=[dir] [-Dstoponerror=[yes|no]]
run-test                           Runs a single JUnit test bypassing the junit task. Usage run-test -Dtestcase=[test] -Dprojectdir=[dir]
start-tomcat-application           Starts the application Tomcat server on Windows
start-tomcat-virtual               Starts the virtual Tomcat server on Windows
start-tomcat-webclient             Starts the Alfresco Tomcat server on Windows
start-tomcat-webclient-debug       Starts the Alfresco Tomcat server on Windows in debug mode
test                               Runs unit tests for all the projects

I get it with the SVN 26807 (alfresco-community-3.4.d) and also with the newest unstable HEAD.

So will be the support for Jboss removed in the future? Attlasian has did it and that's the reason why we doesn't deploy Confluence on our environments anymore.

Edit: some lines for Jboss are commented out. So why?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
There's no such thing as a "JBOSS" build,  Its a java webapp which will deploy on a variety of App Servers.   Tomcat, JBoss, WebShpere included.

What you are looking for are the developer shortcuts for deploying on a tomcat.     I've no idea about the JBOSS targets,   I don't think anybody uses JBOSS to develop Alfresco on  (but I may be wrong here).   

The Enterprise version is tested on JBOSS since its one of the supported stacks.