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ComboBox Property

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Hi all.
What is the syntax for defining a comboBox property type in a Content Model?


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
While possibly not a true ComboBox depending on your definition, a drop-down list can be achieved using as part of your

For example, I have a CT model that includes

        <constraint name="fp:allowedPositions" type="LIST">
            <parameter name="allowedValues">
                    <value>Department Head</value>
                    <value>Tenured Professor</value>
                    <value>Teaching Assistant</value>
                    <value>Associate Professor</value>
      <type name="fp:profile">
         <title>Faculty Profile</title>
            <property name="fp:position">
                   <constraint ref="fp:allowedPositions" />

which displays quite nicely with a drop down using a standard entry in web-client-config-custom.xml

   <config evaluator="node-type" condition="fp:profile">
                  <show-property name="fp:position"/>

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise
Perfect, thank you very much.



Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I have done this but it does not work for me. i am using version 3.4d

in classes/alfresco/extension/web-client-config-custom.xml

<config evaluator="node-type" condition="sp:contract">
                  <show-property name="sp:location"/>

in classes/alfresco/extension/SpectrumModel.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!– Custom Model –>

<!– Note: This model is pre-configured to load at startup of the Repository.  So, all custom –>
<!–       types and aspects added here will automatically be registered –>

<model name="sp:spectrummodel" xmlns="">

   <!– Optional meta-data about the model –>  
   <description>Spectrum Custom Model</description>

        <!– Import Alfresco Dictionary Definitions –>
      <import uri="" prefix="d"/>
      <!– Import Alfresco Content Domain Model Definitions –>
      <import uri="" prefix="cm"/>

      <!– Define a Namespace for my new definitions –>
      <namespace uri="" prefix="sp"/>

        <constraint name="sp:allowedLocations" type="LIST">
            <parameter name="allowedValues">

   <!– Type and Aspect definitions go here –>
      <type name="sp:contract">
         <title>Spectrum Contract Document</title>
            <property name="sp:thirdParties">
               <title>Third Parties</title>
            <property name="sp:location">

                  <constraint ref="sp:allowedLocations" />
         <constraint type="LIST">


            <property name="sp:responsibleEmp">
               <title>Resposible Employee</title>
            <property name="sp:effectiveDate">
               <title>Effective Date</title>
            <property name="sp:expiryDate">
               <title>Expiry Date</title>

      <aspect name="sp:contractFields">
         <title>Contract Meta Data</title>
            <property name="sp:thirdParties">
               <title>Third Parties</title>
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="sp:location">
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="sp:responsibleEmp">
               <title>Responsible Spectrum Employee</title>
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="sp:contractRef">
               <title>Internal Reference</title>
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="sp:logNumber">
               <title>Log Number</title>
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="sp:effectiveDate">
               <title>Effective Date</title>
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="sp:expiryDate">
               <title>Expiry Date</title>
               <index enabled="true">


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I have done this but it does not work for me. i am using version 3.4d

in classes/alfresco/extension/web-client-config-custom.xml

<config evaluator="node-type" condition="sp:contract">
                  <show-property name="sp:location"/>

in classes/alfresco/extension/SpectrumModel.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!– Custom Model –>

<!– Note: This model is pre-configured to load at startup of the Repository.  So, all custom –>
<!–       types and aspects added here will automatically be registered –>

<model name="sp:spectrummodel" xmlns="">

   <!– Optional meta-data about the model –>  
   <description>Spectrum Custom Model</description>

        <!– Import Alfresco Dictionary Definitions –>
      <import uri="" prefix="d"/>
      <!– Import Alfresco Content Domain Model Definitions –>
      <import uri="" prefix="cm"/>

      <!– Define a Namespace for my new definitions –>
      <namespace uri="" prefix="sp"/>

        <constraint name="sp:allowedLocations" type="LIST">
            <parameter name="allowedValues">

   <!– Type and Aspect definitions go here –>
      <type name="sp:contract">
         <title>Spectrum Contract Document</title>
            <property name="sp:thirdParties">
               <title>Third Parties</title>
            <property name="sp:location">

                  <constraint ref="sp:allowedLocations" />
         <constraint type="LIST">


            <property name="sp:responsibleEmp">
               <title>Resposible Employee</title>
            <property name="sp:effectiveDate">
               <title>Effective Date</title>
            <property name="sp:expiryDate">
               <title>Expiry Date</title>

      <aspect name="sp:contractFields">
         <title>Contract Meta Data</title>
            <property name="sp:thirdParties">
               <title>Third Parties</title>
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="sp:location">
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="sp:responsibleEmp">
               <title>Responsible Spectrum Employee</title>
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="sp:contractRef">
               <title>Internal Reference</title>
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="sp:logNumber">
               <title>Log Number</title>
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="sp:effectiveDate">
               <title>Effective Date</title>
               <index enabled="true">
            <property name="sp:expiryDate">
               <title>Expiry Date</title>
               <index enabled="true">


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ