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CMIS sync Issue

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Star Contributor
Hi All,

    We are using alfresco drupal cmis integration module.Through drupal we are syncning contents from alfresco repository.
Initially When we were syncing the contents ,we were able to sync only 1000 records. Then we modified the  maxpermissionchecks property to 100000 in But after that we were able to sync around 2000 to 2500 records. So then we also modified the maxpermissioncheckTimemills to 500000 (500 secs) but after that it is working very slow and we are not able to sync complete contents.Every time we are getting random value for cmis:numitems property in response.We are using following query to fetch the data :

Query :: SELECT * FROM cmis:document WHERE IN_TREE {folder_nodeRef} & skipCount=2000 & maxItems=100

We have to sync around 1,30,000 contents from alfresco repository.How can we sync complete data ?

    Also from the same repository we are fetching contents and displaying it on alfresco share application.For alfresco share we are not facing any issue.I dont know why it is so ?

Your help will be appreciated.   

Thank you,
Yogesh Prajapati

World-Class Innovator
World-Class Innovator
If you are using Lucene, search results will always be non-deterministic. You will never be able to predict exactly how many search results your query will return.

I think a comma might be misplaced in your post, but regardless of whether the answer is 1,300,000 or 130,000, either one is way too many to be sync-ing to drupal via the CMIS sync, in my opinion.

The reason Share doesn't face this problem is because it doesn't sync anything. It reads the content directly. And, for some calls, it uses the database instead of the search index.


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Star Contributor
We have resolved the issue now we are syncing the contents in bunch and we are not getting any problem.