I installed Eclipse (Moon), Subclipse 1.10.5 and Svnkit 1.8.5. After running Eclipse I started to download the Alfresco developer version. I selected the menu File> New> Project. In the directory SVN I have chosen the "Checkout Projects with Subversion", then "Create a new repository location" -> I clicked Next. I set http://svn.alfresco.com/repos/alfresco-open-mirror/alfresco/HEAD as a URL -> I selected the folder Alfresco and click Next. I selected "Check out as a project in the workspace" with the name "HEAD" and in the next step I selected the working directory of Eclipse.
The download is started and continued for several minutes, but then it stops with the error:
" A C:/ALFRESCO_SVN/HEAD/root/projects/repository/source/test-resources/quick/quickGEO.jpg APR does not understand this error code svn: ra_serf: The server sent a truncated HTTP response body. "
I tried several times, but I got the same error even though at different times. Do you have any suggestions?