Hi, all Simple question - is there a way to restore (or view) changed content in Alfresco Share (post or comments in Blog,WiKi and Discussion section)?
Example: User1 created topic in Blog section - "User2 is Smart"". User2 added comment - "Yes, it is true.", then User1 changed his own post - "User2 is not Smart".
Event is fixed by system, but what exactly was changed? Is there a way to find out it?
Blogs and Discussions do not have the versionable aspect applied, whereas Wiki articles do. Therefore there's no way to see what the original content was.
You could either change the code or create a rule to apply cm:versionable to new Blog and Discussion items if you wanted.
Hello Mike Thanks for reply. Your answer is useful for me.
Via Alfresco Explorer i am going: CompanyHome->Sites->Mysite->blog Then i created rule for all inbound messages and add aspect Versionable After this in details of blogpost a can view version history. One limitation - i cant view version history of comments to blog.
For discussion there are no additional info about versions, only number of version. i dont know how to customize view of details