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Changing the search call when extending BrowseBean

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Sorry if this is answered elsewhere, haven't been able to find it myself.

I'm trying to change the display of a SimpleSearch, trying to keep it as general as possible by creating my own class which extends it.

In order to do this I have changed the faces-config.xml and created a new BrowseBean class which extends the original. This is in order to change the "search" function to use my version of the SimpleSearch as opposed to the default.

However, the navigateBrowseScreen call from within the search function is a private function in the parent class (BrowseBean) and thus it isn't visible from my class. Is there any way around this without changing the original class?

Has anyone got a different approach to recommend?


[Edit: This should be in the Web Client Development forum]

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Turns out I was a bit misguided.

I eventually created a new JSF component to implement a different Simple Search.

For anyone trying you must change the jsp file, the repo.tld, create a newSimpleSearchTag class (use previous as template), faces-config-repo.xml and finally newSimpleSearch class (in my case I extended the normal simple search and added a new encode begin function to change the display).
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