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changes to the index page, but how ?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi everybody i have a question according to the login page of the Activity explorer.
I want to add some stuff on the index page - http://localhost:8080/activiti-explorer -
some links for the further systems or so on..

But I need to change the html/xml files on the server. So my question is, do you have an idea what’s the name of the so called index.html in reality is ? Is there a part in the documentation / manual I missed ? Hope  to hear from you soon.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Vaadin (the UI framework Explorer is written in), doesn't really have an index.html … it's all java code (In v6 we're using Angular btw).

themes/activiti/layouts/login.html does seem to be the one used for rendering the login page (and is probably an exception to the default Vaadin way of working).

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
Hi jbarrez,
I am new to Acititvi BPM. I read lots of post ,books,forums.
Could you please explain with simple example , How an html form will call "start Event" . I mean to say how external third party  UI will call BPM and controll the all activiti.

Actitviti User guide doed not help me . I am using ACTVITI-5x

If you will explain me ,it will great help.

Thanks in advance.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
The story is always the same: your UI technology, html here, needs to have a button that calls out to some API (typically REST) that calls the Activiti runtimeService.startProcessinstance method.