10-20-2006 08:38 PM
10-23-2006 06:13 AM
10-23-2006 08:47 PM
10-24-2006 06:14 AM
10-24-2006 01:58 PM
10-24-2006 11:34 PM
@echo off
rem —————————————
rem MySQL remove DB command
rem —————————————
echo Deleting Alfresco database and user…
mysql -u root -p < db_remove.sql
echo Deleting indexes…
del /s /q alf_data
@echo off
rem —————————————
rem MySQL create DB command
rem —————————————
echo Creating Alfresco database and user…
mysql -u root -p < db_setup.sql
echo Database prepared.
10-26-2006 05:19 PM
10-26-2006 06:19 PM
del /s /q alf_data
05-22-2009 06:35 AM
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