Thanks for the response. The classpath isn't the issue. After some testing we determined that it was the rest library that the java service task was using.
So our application looks like this (simplified) User Task with From (Enter a number) - Service Task (Square the Number) - …
The service task that squares the number makes its own REST call to a page that does the work of squaring the number.
When using the org.restlet libraries in the Java Service Task we received the error detailed in my previous posts if we called the process instance using the Activiti REST APIS (via JavaScript). We did not see an issue using our unit tests in eclipse or when using Activiti Explorer.
When we switched to the org.apache.http.client libraries to make our rest call from the Java Service task it works fine whether we call the process-instance from a unit test, from Activiti explorer, or from Activiti Rest.
So it appears that if we design a java service process that uses the org.restlet libraries to make a rest call, and then call the Activiti REST API to invoke the process instance that uses the java service process we get that error. If we use the org.apache.http.client.fluent libraries in our Java Service Task we do not have the same problem and everything works fine using Activiti Explorer, Activiti Rest via whatever (Html/Javascript in our case), Unit Tests in Eclipse, etc.
Thank you for taking the time to offer suggestions. It is appreciated.