I have Alfresco installed on my local machine. I can HTTP to it via tomcat and that seems to work fine. However everytime I try to FTP to it I get a
Exception in thread "Sess_FTP3_127.0.0.1" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: sun.text.Normalizer.compose(Ljava/lang/String;ZI)Ljava/lang/String; at org.alfresco.filesys.ftp.FTPSrvSession.run(FTPSrvSession.java:4174)
Can anyone tell me what this exception means and how to fix it?
Also can anyone tell me the basics of how to configure Alfresco to take an FTP request? I must be doing something wrong.
Are you running Alfresco 2.0 with Java1.6? If so that is the problem, Alfresco 2.0 only supported Java1.5 (due to this problem) but that is fixed in 2.1.