12-06-2016 02:14 AM
can possible to create a group of user as managers or collaborator of a site,
how with example codes...
all Users have all the same permissions(collaborators or managers or atleast one managers remain collaborator)
I need One manager and remain collaborators for one site
12-08-2016 05:50 PM
Yes, it is possible to create a group of users. Yes, you can make a group the manager of a site. Yes, you can make a group the collaborator of a site.
As far as doing that with code, which API would you like to use? Have you spent any time looking at the documentation for that API? If so, maybe you can point out what is confusing or missing?
12-08-2016 11:08 PM
Thank you jeff, but my option is to , I have to do in backend code only.
12-09-2016 04:49 PM
If you are doing it with the Java Foundation API, which means your code will be running in the same JVM process as the Alfresco repository, then you need to look up the JavaDoc for the PersonService and the AuthorityService.
If your code will run remotely from the Alfresco repository, then you can use the Alfresco Public REST API.
Read those links, try out some code, then start a new thread if you get stuck.
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