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Can not override thirdparty subsystem bean

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I'm trying to replace <webapps>/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/subsystems/thirdparty/default/imagemagick-transform-context.xml with my own copy by setting it in <config_root>/extension/subsystems/thirdparty/default/imagemagick-transform-context.xml. I'm doing that because I want to replace some of the enviroment variables in ImageMagick's execution.

As far as I can understand from the wiki that should be possible, isn't it?

Any idea why it shouldn't work ?


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
I'll reply to myself: Despite of "thirdparty" being a non multiinstace subsystem it seems like it expects multiinstance like configuration. Placing the file in <config_root>/extension/subsystems/thirdparty/default/default/imagemagick-transform-context.xml worked.

Is this a bug I should report or am I undersdanting something wrong ?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
They are all multi instance subsystems.

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ
Thank you very much.

I though there were 2 kinds of subsystems, multiinstace and not. From your comment I guess that means that I was wrong and there is not such thing as a "unique instance" subsystem. Unique instance subsystems are just a "special case" of multi instance subsystems.

What made me most confused about it was the fact that in <webapps>/alfresco/WEB-INF/classess/alfresco/subsystems the file I'm overriding is in /thirdparty/default/, not in /thirdparty/default/default so it looks like the context loading class does not treat "regular" classpath directory and extension classpath directory the same way.

Not a big deal once you know it, but maybe worth a very very very low priority improvement request in the JIRA ? I'll try to make it clearer in the Wiki as soon as I have some time.