07-19-2008 09:01 PM
07-30-2008 03:53 PM
08-12-2008 06:22 AM
Unable to delete the User object associated with the Person.
This is not an error if an external authentication mechanism such as NTLM was previously active.
Failed to delete User due to error:
could not delete: [org.alfresco.repo.domain.hibernate.DbAuthorityImpl#9]; nested exception is
could not delete: [org.alfresco.repo.domain.hibernate.DbAuthorityImpl#9]
Unable to delete the User object associated with the Person.
This is not an error if an external authentication mechanism such as NTLM was previously active.
08-21-2008 02:38 PM
12-02-2008 11:12 AM
03-03-2009 05:10 PM
05-13-2009 02:08 PM
05-15-2009 03:50 AM
05-22-2009 05:41 PM
06-05-2009 10:40 AM
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