There can be other reasons for this error:
1. You need to add the following line in the macros.xml
<macrodef name="compile-java-inc-generated"
description="Compiles Java source files and generated Java files in the given project">
<attribute name="projectdir" />
<mkdir dir="@{projectdir}/${}/${}" />
<javac destdir="@{projectdir}/${}/${}" fork="true"
memoryMaximumSize="${mem.size.max}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}"
debug="${javac.debug}" target="${}" source="${javac.source}" encoding="${javac.encoding}">
<src path="@{projectdir}/${}/${}" />
<src path="@{projectdir}/${}/${}" />
<!– following line added by Pawan, otherwise it will give error "error running javac.exe compiler" –>
<compilerarg value="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${dir.project.3rdparty.lib}" />
<compilerarg value="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${dir.project.3rdparty.lib}" />
or it may be due to installed jre
You need to check the jre/bin whether it has folders "client" and "server".
Then check in windows-> preferences-> java-> installed jre
It should point to the jre which is having both the folders in bin.
Pawan Arora