Hi,I was trying to put a "Map" into a node property (See http://forums.alfresco.com/viewtopic.php?t=3448). I managed to put the Map into the node property, by marking the property as "not to be indexed, i.e. <index enabled="false" /> in the model definition file.But then, when the "ftsIndexerTrigger" runs, it throws an exception at this line (Class LuceneIndexerImpl2):for (String strValue : DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.getCollection(String.class, value))
I tried to fix this by adding the following:if(!index)
return false;
after getting the "index" attribute:index = propertyDef.isIndexed();
But, this is a temporary fix for us, please advise if this is in fact a bug and should be fixed by Alfresco, or if we need to make something on our client code to make the indexer job run correctly in such a case.