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bpm_package used in callAcitivity subprocess

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I'm developing a process that uses a package (bpm_package) and then calls a sub process (callActivity element) passing the same package reference like this :

<callActivity id="incomingClientDocument" name="Client Task" calledElement="IncomingClientDocument">
            <activiti:in source="initiator" target="initiator"></activiti:in>
            <activiti:in source="bpm_package" target="bpm_package"></activiti:in>
            <activiti:in source="bpm_workflowDescription" target="bpm_workflowDescription"></activiti:in>
            <activiti:in source="bpm_workflowDueDate" target="bpm_workflowDueDate"></activiti:in>

According to my understanding, <em>callActivity</em> creates a new independent workflow (instance) but in this case, the package is shared between the both instances. Right ?

Then under Alfresco (4.2.e), I try to get the workflows of an item of the package and the system returns only the initial workflow but not the subprocess.

I don't know if this issue is related to Activiti Engine or to Alfresco…

Do you have some advices ?
How could I duplicate a package to use it in a subprocess ?

Thank you.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
If it's impossible to duplicate a package, how could I terminate the initial workflow just after launching the subprocess ?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
1) Package is a concept used in Alfresco only. Once created, the package itself contains a reference to the workflow (a single reference). Even if you use the same nodeRef as bpm_package variable in the subprocess, the package is unaware of this.

What are you trying to achieve?

2) A call-activity cannot exist without a parent process. So ending the parent process will cascade the subprocess. If you cant to fork off a process independently of the initial process, don't use a call-activity but use a service-task to kick off a new workflow using WorkflowService or activitiProcessEngine beans.

Thank you Frederik.
Your point #2 is something I did not understand.
I thought callActivity is an new independent instance.

I tried to start a new workflow using a service task but I faced a problem in Alfresco.
Here my post :

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