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Bounce Inbound Email Messages

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I've finally gotten through the pains of getting inbound email to work, however in the process I have also discovered some alarming info that gets returned to sender when alfresco gets an email but rejects it.  For example, when I send an email from an email account that either is not configured as a user, or is not in the allowed senders domain (, the email isn't simply ignored, but returned with a "denied access" message which includes the error code AND worst of all, the IP address of the internal Alfresco server. 

We are intentionally not providing direct access to Alfresco either to share/alfresco explorer or through email (using an email gateway).  That Alfresco is not only acknowledging the email service is available but also telling the whole world the internal IP address of the server it's running on is pretty scary.

Anyone know how to mitigate this issue?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
IP addresses are not secret.    That's not something that is normally "secured".

Instead networks are secured by things like firewalls and bridges.

If it is an "internal" IP address then it can't be accessed directly.

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making
IP addresses are not secret.    That's not something that is normally "secured".

Instead networks are secured by things like firewalls and bridges.

If it is an "internal" IP address then it can't be accessed directly.

The issue is that information is being provided that should not and does not need to be revealed.  Put your hacker hat on for a minute and you will realize the value of that information.  When was the last time you got an email rejected that told you the internal IP address of the mail server?  Logging the information is great, even sending an email to the administrator, but why would you want to include that info for anyone and everyone?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
Are you sure the information is comming from alfresco rather than your email infrastructure?  If its Alfresco then please raise a JIRA and I'll take a look.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor
I don't think its coming from Alfresco.    I've got a wire capture in front of me of a failed SMTP message and all that is being sent over the wire is a 554 response (transaction failed) with a single string in the error response.   There is nothing about IP addresses.