05-10-2007 04:09 AM
INFO: Server startup in 40063 ms
Expanding: homeliferaydeployalfresco.war into C:Trainingliferaytomcattemp20070510075602140
Adding Geronimo C:Trainingliferaytomcattemp20070510075602140WEB-INFgeronimo-web.xml
Modifying Servlet 2.3 C:Trainingliferaytomcattemp20070510075602140WEB-INFweb.xml
Copying 1093 files to C:Trainingliferaytomcat..webappsalfresco
Copying 1 file to C:Trainingliferaytomcat..webappsalfresco
Deleting directory C:Trainingliferaytomcattemp20070510075602140
07:56:31,546 INFO [AutoDeployPortletListener:88] Portlets for homeliferaydeployalfresco.war copied successfully
05-11-2007 12:08 PM
05-14-2007 08:17 AM
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