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Alfresco iOS 2.1.1 for iOS 8 failed to save account

Hi,Since it working on Android 4.2.2, I tried using the same configuration from Android to iPad (iOS 8);User name: myusernamePassword: mypasswordHostname: walet.h******.com.myDescription: WaletHTTPS: OnSync Files: OffPort: 443Service Documents: /alfr...

gatsu2811 by Champ in-the-making
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filename and extension of downloaded content stream

Hi,I've got a javascript webscript that's used to download certain nodes. The webscript is of type "" and populates the model's contentNode property with the node that is downloaded, basically like this example: ...

Unable to start Alfresco 5.0 on my local

I have installed Alfresco 5.0.1 on my mac machine and tried to deploy content model. Run three web-scripts successfully. Now unable to start my Alfresco. Cataline.out throws below content :Aug 12, 2015 2:27:21 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycle...

Call Java class when click on a new 'Document Action'

hello all,Could you help me.I develop a java class named "Webscript"——————————public class TestWebscript extends AbstractWebScript {   @Override   public void execute(WebScriptRequest req, WebScriptResponse res) throws IOException {   ...

root4js by Champ in-the-making
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Is it possible to update ACT_HI_DETAIL?

Hello,One of our requirement wants us to update the ACT_HI_DETAIL table's data. We want to clear the values of selective variables, based on whether the variable contains sensitive data or not.I can see no executeUpdate() in nativeHistoricDetailQuery...

De Sharepoint a Alfresco 5

Compañeros del foro, buen día.En la empresa en la que laboro están pensando seriamente dejar de utilizar Sharepoint por motivos del costo de licenciamiento, por lo que me han asignado la tarea de buscar la herramienta adecuada para alojar nuestro rep...

mike_dcx by Champ in-the-making
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Timer boundary event not fires some times for defined interval

i am new to the activiti development ,i am using  Timer boundary event in my applications, some times it is executing perfectly but some times not.would  you pls any one help me why it is not firing ? how to tackle this ? is there any alternate for t...

Unable to complete User Task

For some reasons, I am unable to complete a user task if the following service task polls for a file. I have 2 tasks. The first task is a user task and the second task is a service task that invokes an external Java class. The Java class polls for a ...

yisa by Champ in-the-making
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[solved] The remote server may be unavailable

Hi,We're thinking about to buy Alfresco Share. So I wanted to install AShare 30 days trial (enterprise) to test it.I used the quick installation guide. sea...

catscratch by Champ in-the-making
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Automatic site creation : surf-config not generated

Hi everyone,I would like to create a workflow task which could automatically create a Share site on transition.I have created a Java JBPM action (extending JBPMSpringActionHandler), executed in my workflow task transition.As the site pages creation m...

tonyrivet by Champ in-the-making
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