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Forum Posts

Use MS Office as PDF convertor

Hi again,This may sound as a strange question but is it possible to replace the OpenOffice text conversion engine by MS Office?Our company supports MS Office (as most companies probably) but doesn't support OpenOffice. Starting with Alfresco would me...

simon by Champ in-the-making
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Setting return address for emails sent by Alfresco

Hi,When I send an invitation for a user to access a particular space, the email sent has as return address:From: alfresco@alfresco.orgYou won't be surprised to learn that we'd like to customize that. I searched the xml config file, but did not find a...

omegerard by Champ in-the-making
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Add multiple custom model

Hi.I'm a beginner with Alfresco and i just begin to play with custom models. I managed to see the sop model example, and also to creat my own custom model exaple which work fine also.My problem is that i havn't managed to see both at the same time… S...

nicolas by Champ in-the-making
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alfresco 1.2 + openoffice 2.0 + debian server

Hi,i install Xvfb and openoffice 2.0 on debian serverin my there are#!/bin/sh# —————————————————————————# Start script for the OpenOffice transform service# —————————————————————————export DISPLAY=:1echo "Starting Xvfb…"Xvfb -fp /usr/X11R...

abichet by Champ in-the-making
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Where could I configure my mail (e.g. port)What should I configure?

xerox by Champ in-the-making
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Setting Space Restriction

I got problem, I want in this example X, that can access Space A, B, C, and Y can access A, D, F.right now, i just can do this by letting log as X, and create A, B, C, and assign A to Y, and loged as Y, and create a space D, F.I cannot do this in Adm...

fthamura by Champ in-the-making
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Resetting the admin password

Is it possible to reset the admin password, say from the console, if it were to be forgotten, lost, etc?  If so, how is it done?  Just planning for the "what ifs".Thanks

hikenboots by Champ in-the-making
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Bugs / Issues with Groups - 1.1.2 Enterprise

Hi,There are a couple of strange things happening with groups that I believe may be bugs.1) If you create two groups: "Group One" and "Group Two" and then create a sub-group beneath each called "Managers" problems start occuring. Specifically when yo...

rberg by Champ in-the-making
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too many open files

Hi,I have Alfresco version 1.1.2. All is ok except lots of file descriptors remain allocated and at a point we get this exception:10:42:19,593 ERROR [impl.lucene.LuceneBase] /home/digitools/tomcat/bin/alf_data/luce...

sharkie by Champ in-the-making
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