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Error at Preview in Template

We are using Alfresco 1.4 Community with DB2 UDB 9.1 on Windows 2003 .After installing Alfresco, everything went fine, except for the following. When we choose to view details of a document, for example and html one, select action Preview in template...

eleaese by Confirmed Champ
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Alfresco 2.0 enterprise preview issues

Hi,I dowloaded the Alfresco 2.0 preview enterprise for JBoss environment.I met some difficulties:1) I installed in the statard way with HSQL, it works. I log off alfresco, stopped the service (alf_stop). In changing the standard HSQL to mySql, I foll...

hseverac by Champ in-the-making
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Hello,alfresco.war does not deploy on tomcat5.5 under debian because of a permission problem. My workaround is to change in the webapps directory. But this is not the right place. It should be configured in the shared server settings...

marco by Champ in-the-making
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J'ai quelques questions sur le module WCM (que je...

Bonjour,J'ai quelques questions sur le module WCM (que je découvre) :1. quel est son objectif exact : faire un site web de zéro intégrant, entre autres, la partie GED d'alfresco ou l'inverse : ajouter des fonctions de gestion de contenus ça et là (da...

telesto by Champ in-the-making
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New aspect is found in javascript but not java

I have created a new aspect (schemaValidation) and I can apply the aspect to content via the gui and javascript.However if I try to check for this aspect in Java by building the QName I get an error saying:Namespace prefix evg is not mapped to a name...

kbpair by Champ in-the-making
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Problem with getting node description via AVMRemote

Hello,I am using AVM Remote to access the descriptions of directories from within our web application.  Say I create a directory, 'exercise', in the root of the webapp and attempt to access the attributes of that directory withtring realPath = servle...

mcmagi by Champ in-the-making
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J'ai quelques souci au jujet de la configuration...

Bonjour,J'ai quelques souci au jujet de la configuration du ftp et cifs sur alfresco qui est installé sur un serveur linux mandriva.Ayant obtenu les erreur suivantes suites à l'installation Address already in use exceptions‍j...

florent_j by Champ in-the-making
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Null Pointer Error with this Form XSD

Any ideas why this would cause a Null Pointer Exception when using the "Create Web Content Wizard" on "Step Two - Author Web Content" ?<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xs:schema xmlns:xs="">    <xs:complexType na...

Bonjour ,voila tout d ' abord alfresco est super...

Bonjour ,voila tout d ' abord alfresco est super , mais en ce qui concerne Cifs je ne peux y acceder que rarement il me dit toujours que :""file://[Nom du serveur]/Alfresco/[espace de travail] est introuvable, verifiez que le chemein d ' acces ou l '...

d_verbeke by Champ in-the-making
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