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Versioning and WCM

After looking at appears as though I could be able to access version history from the WCM web client interface....

kooktroop by Champ in-the-making
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Est ce qu'on est obligé de synchroniser Alfresco...

Bonjour,Est ce qu'on est obligé de synchroniser Alfresco avec le serveur d'annuaire lors ce qu'on utilise: CAS server(SSO), liferay portal, alfresco (portlet) pour réaliser le mécanisme d'authentification unique.

tegyat by Champ in-the-making
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J'ai avec une content type personnalisé ajouté des...

Bonjour,J'ai avec une content type personnalisé ajouté des metadonnées "custom". Pour un champ, je voudrais pouvoir controler la saisie de l'utilisateur (sur l'evenement onBlur par exemple).Pour un autre champ, je voudrais pouvoir ajouter un bouton s...

nahanni by Champ in-the-making
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web forms: xsl indenting

This is a small thing that is bugging me, but it is bugging me nonetheless.  There is an attribute you can add to a web form that makes the resulting HTML have all the indentation you had used in your XSL template.  <xslutput method="xml" encoding="U...

sbzoom by Champ in-the-making
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J'aimerais savoir s'il existe la possibilité de...

Bonjour,J'aimerais savoir s'il existe la possibilité de gérer des liens entre les documents ?Exemple : je crée un document qui concerne une recette de cuisine. Sur ce document je crée des liens vers : - un document qui explique comment faire une sauc...

Meta-data about a particular document in the repository

I would ideally like to have the following information from the alfresco database:1. what content belongs to a particular user (simple list of content names) - what is the table that stores this information2. how do i get all the unique information a...

jp by Champ in-the-making
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Blue screen on Vista

Hi all,I am using Alfresco 2.0 Server on Linux wit XP and Vista (Home Premium and Enterprise Clients.When using CIFS _ShowDetails.exe or _CheckINOut.exe  features on Vista systems I have a blue screen with stop 0x00000027 (0xBAAD0075,0x9EA7A714,0X9EA...

Enabling audit

Hi,I installed Alfesco 2.0 on my machine.I want to enable and use audit features in it.How can I do it ?Can It be done directly by UI or I have to made change in xml files Please help!!!!!

itsmanish by Champ in-the-making
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Creating a generic rule

I want to create rules that move content which contains employees' personal information to spaces that are named after them.  For example, I could create a rule for every employee that says "When an inbound item into this space contains the word '*jo...

nparry by Champ in-the-making
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Arabic Text Search feature

Hello, I am a new user of AlfrescoDoes Alfresco permit Arabic Text Search feature1-Yes2-No3-Difficult to do itPlease I need a justification for each typr od replyThanks

ahmed by Champ in-the-making
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