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Forum Posts

Scaling problems

I have an instance of Alfresco 1.4 community edition.When I get up to ~400 documents in a single space (not in subspaces)  I see s significant decrease in performance.  In other words, if my content structure is broad and not deep, i see a huge slow ...

Problem with including from subspaces of WebForm

Hello Skilled    I've tried to include another xslt from subspace of webform <xsl:include href="xsl/included.xsl"/>‍and, got the following error org.alfresco.web.forms.RenderingEngine$RenderingException: errors encountered during transformation: ‍‍‍...

shchavla by Champ in-the-making
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Blog AMP

I installed the alfresco-blog-integration-2.1.0.amp but alfresco module does not start anymore.In the log file I found this error messagerg.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: Failed to initialise config service………Caused by: org.alfresco.config....

Failure on Migrate AlfrescoCommunity2.0 from Linux to WinXP

Hi,I would like to migrate my Alfresco Community 2.0 from Linux to WindowsXP, but not success.Orginal VersionS: LinuxAlfresco: AlfrescoCommunity2.0LinuxDatabase: MySQL 4.1.20Migrate toS: Windows XP SP2Alfresco: I have tried both AlfrescoCommunity2.0 ...

brian_ma by Champ in-the-making
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How I long...Yearn for Alfresco to be successful...BUT!!!

I so wish I could get alfresco to be reliable.Installed Alfresco, MySQL, Java JDK on Windows XP.  Moved a fairly large folder from drive to drive (outside alfresco) in 1.5 minutes.Tried in Alfresco using CIFS and took a very very long time…like over ...

heislord5 by Champ in-the-making
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generic solution for SSO

[re-posting to this forum to see if it will evoke a response ]We are trying to use Alfresco at my company as a content management solution. We intend to deploy Alfresco in a WAS 6.1 instance. We use WebSphere Portal and we would like to know what th...

jc by Champ in-the-making
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error in user groups

As Admin, when I try to access a user group it gives the following error - A system error happened during the operation: An authority was not found for GROUP_Software Engwhen I try to delete this group, I get the following exception - javax.faces.el....

agee by Champ in-the-making
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j'ai installé Alfresco en version community 2.1.0R1...

Bonjour,j'ai installé Alfresco en version community 2.1.0R1 sur un serveur LINUX SUSE 9 avec MySql. Jusque là tout marchait bien. J'ai voulu configurer Alfresco pour récupérer les utilisateurs de mon serveur LDAP (Novell eDirectory). Et là j'ai une e...

stephpab by Champ in-the-making
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Problem importing full repository?! Alfresco 2.1.0

I need to move alfresco 2.1 from one machine to another. Also I need to copy everything from old repository to new one. I followed next instructions to export repository and import it on onother host, but bootstrap failed. 1. I exported full reposito...

Salut,Je viens d'installer alfresco pour l'essayer...

Salut,Je viens d'installer alfresco pour l'essayer et je voulais mettre en place un petite exemple avec un workflow simple. J'ai créé un modèle de projet avec des docs types rojet de conception :=> manuel utilisateur=> manuel installation=> specsdans...

hugo by Champ in-the-making
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