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Forum Posts

WCM can't find RMI port 50500 when web user>400 or so

when web user number > 400 or so, my website based on WSF can't be explored, and org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiClientInterceptor handleRemoteConnectFailureWARNING: Cound not connect to RMI service [rmi://localhost:50500/avm] -retrying‍‍will be ...

jimmiao by Champ in-the-making
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SMB/CIFS server configuration problems

I'm fairly new to Alfresco and have just installed the "Community Network - v2.1.0" package. I'm trying to get the CIFS server functionality to run. Server environment is Linux (Ubuntu 7.04), Tomcat 5.5; the basic, default installation works. As sugg...

yanpa by Champ in-the-making
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How to publish documents

Hi,I have published a document using Alfresco Webclient as said in Alfresco Tutorial PDF.  Now what is the location where the document is published ?Also can I publish the directories and files onto my local filesystem so that its available for my ap...

lalli by Champ in-the-making
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Bonjour à toutes et à tous!lors de la connexion,...

Bonjour à toutes et à tous!lors de la connexion, on peut visualiser les derniers espaces récemment visités. En dessous, il y a une fenêtre "raccourci". Comment faire pour créer des raccourcis dans cet espace (si cela est possible)?merci pour vos répo...

Newbie sandbox deployment question

Hiya,I have worked my way through the WCM eval guide and managed to get pretty much everything working. I now want to dig a bit deeper to see how WCM actually works.When a user previews a website in their sandbox where are the actual physical files k...

stevew by Champ in-the-making
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je cherche à réaliser le méta modele de Alfresco....

Bonjour, je cherche à réaliser le méta modele de Alfresco. J'aimerais savoir s'il y'avait des liens particuliers décrivant le fonctionnement d'Alfresco, en particulier  l'import et export en XML.Merci

issa by Champ in-the-making
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problem with faces-config-custom.xml

Hi,I created a project that has a dependency on Alfrescos "web-client" project.In this project i stored a bean that is the managed bean for some new buttons (that are defined in the web-client-config-custom.xml file and are relevant for this project ...

friedman30 by Champ in-the-making
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Microsft Word breaks versioning of Alfresco Document

When opening a document MS Word copies it to temp file and then renames the latter into the original name. Original file is deleted.When opeining Word document on CIFS folder MS Word creates brand new document. And original document is deleted includ...

bon jour!nous sommes en train de tester alfresco...

bon jour!nous sommes en train de tester alfresco et nous en sommes bien contents. même nos premiers content models "fait maison" fonctionnent. mais la semaine dernière nous avons découvert un problème avec l'addition de fichiers audio (dans le cas pr...

viola by Champ in-the-making
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