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Forum Posts

Help with simple scenario

Hello!I have alfresco working on HSQL, and am testing and playing with it. I'm new to documnent management, so wondering if someone can help me get a quick start -I'm hoping to use alfresco for document management in my company - my main requirement ...

parki by Champ in-the-making
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French (fr_FR)

Bonjour les Francophones!We at NeoDoc are currently evaluating the translation files and will start translation asap (after PR6 is published).If you wish to participate, please post a message here.À bientôt,

camille by Champ in-the-making
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pls help me with eclipse

I have spend 3 days and night to try to setup the development environment using eclipse; but still not able to get it going. Please can you help if you have a bit more step by step instruction / advice compare to the one in wiki?Thank you in advance....

goodguy by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco and IBM Webpshere v6.1

Hello,I've installed Alfresco in the Websphere v6.1 and when I try to access it I get the following error:java.lang.NullPointerException     at org.alfresco.util.RuntimeSystemPropertiesSetter.postProcessBeanFactory(

shmc by Champ in-the-making
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Set Permission [Résolu]

Bonjour,Je souhaite pouvoir attribuer des permission à un document à partir de mon Workflow. A ce jour j'arrive à supprimer l'héritage, mais ne sais pas comment faire pour donner par exemple les droits de lectures à un ensemble d'utilisateurs préalab...

huberd by Champ in-the-making
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HA Clustered Servers issues

Hi everyone,I've configured an high avaibility server between two servers, as shown in this case.After some tests, I've been in front of some problems :If a network interuption appends, some of the multicast paquets used by ehcache replication are lo...

viv by Champ in-the-making
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Problem during documents copy

Hi All,I had created a new user and I would like to copy all his document into Alfresco, in the user home.During the copy alfresco hangup (I was transferring about 200 MB) and after few minutes I had to kill tomcat.Now the problem is that the user ho...

freedev by Champ in-the-making
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Notes for translators

Use of single quote characters in messagesIf the message contains a variable e.g. {0} then single quotes must be doubled up to escape them correctly e.g. convert: don't to: don''tIf the message does not contain a variable then a single quote characte...

kevinr by Star Contributor
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Bonjour à tous,je découvre Alfresco et j'aimerais...

Bonjour à tous,je découvre Alfresco et j'aimerais savoir si certains d'entre vous pourraient me faire un retour d'expérience sur la durée et la difficulté d'installation (tout indice me sera utile).Dans l'idée je cherche à faire un déploiement très l...

thbar by Champ in-the-making
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Récupération de la liste des utilisateur d'1 workfl [Résolu]

Bonjour,J'ai créé un Workflow dans lequel je peux séléctionner des utilisateurs. Comment puis-je récupérer cette liste pour l'exploiter dans un programme Java. J'ai essayé d'analyser la class ForEachFork qui récupère déjà ce type d'information grâce ...

huberd by Champ in-the-making
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