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Edición de documentos con Office Online

Hola a todos!Me encuentro realizando pruebas para la implemnentación de un Alfresco en la empresa, he tenido algunas dificultades que poco a poco se han solucionado, sin embargo, ahora me encuentro con un problema en la edición de documentos con Offi...

oermx by Champ in-the-making
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Hi guys.following this tutorial ( we are trying to enable SSO on alfresco community web page (share) to work.SSO is not working.We have put this lines:authentication.chain=alfinst:...

bostjanc by Champ in-the-making
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Hello,I cannot use the session ticket.<strong>I have this template:</strong>${sessionticket.ticket}It is Alfresco 5.1.It should give a ticket.<strong>But this is the error:</strong>Alfresco   Web Script Status 500 - Internal ErrorThe Web Script /alfr...

patrikx3 by Champ in-the-making
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Error when loading bpmn20.xml

Hello Everbody, Im a beginner with activiti, i tried to create a simple process, but there is an error that i didn't come to solve it. Can You help me to surpass it.The error is : org.activiti.bpmn.exceptions.XMLException: cvc-id.1 : Aucune liaison I...

lobnakh by Champ in-the-making
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Insert Variables To InActive WOrkflows

Hi All,Is their any possibility to insert variables to act_hi_varinst using API once the workflow is inactive?, when workflow is active we use "runtimeService.setVariables(processInstanceId, attributesMap)" but in my case since workflow is inactive w...

surajpr by Champ in-the-making
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No Process Deployed with the key

Hello All,I have attached the bpmn modeller (diagram.txt).Now i am trying to insert the same bpmn xml to the activiti database. I am getting an error. "No process deployed with the key myProcess".                Variable s is the complete bpmn xml pr...

chandanmb1 by Champ on-the-rise
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How to fire workflow event from external process

I have a different use case of workflow and please let me know if there is any possibility to achieve this through activiti engine.for example my workflow process is as follows:    start -> doneBySomeOtherExternalProcess -> forwardToNextUser -> stopd...

The proper way to build activiti source code?

Hi all.I am trying to build the activiti project with source code. I downloaded a stable version, source code of activiti imported the project with intellij and the IDE prompts a lot of unresolved symbols, for example, ${activiti.osgi.vers...

tanzy831 by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Error for Document Library

Hello,         I have a problem with one specifc user on our Alfresco system - no-one else has the same problem.  when she logs in and attempts to access the document library she receives the error:10030013 Wrapped Exception (with status template): 1...

neil_benn by Champ in-the-making
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Transformer for application/octet-stream

Hello guys!I want to achieve my goal, transform a .msg (Outlook Email).So I want to create a rendition for the mail body at least.ContentTransformer transformer = contentService.getTransformer(actualMimetype, MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_PDF);if (transformer...