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Forum Posts

Alfresco 3.0 Custom Extension Fails on Bootstrap

Hello,I had some files based on Jeff Potts custom extension that work for me on a Ubuntu 7.1 install of Alfresco 2.2 with MySQL 5.Those same files fail for me when I install them and try to start an identical environment with Alfresco 3.0 installed.I...

ghernando by Champ in-the-making
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Intelliant with Alfresco

I have to configure alfresco with Intelliant for the  scanning solution. But after copying the following xml filescr-transformers-context.xml web-client-config-custom.xml to the required directory in Alfresco tomcat is throughing  following errorrg.s...

mamtagarg by Champ in-the-making
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Sort metadata

Hi,I would like to know if it's possible to sort alphabetically the different metadata when it's shown. I know that the different metadata will appear in the order I write them in the web-client-congif-custom, but is it possible that they appear sort...

lbm by Champ in-the-making
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how to install Alfresco labs +sql server 2005 in windows2003

I want use Alfresco labs 3b + sql server 2005,my operating system is windows2003,when I install Alfresco labs 3b,I did not find the option to choose the database,only mysql,so  who can tell me how to install and configure Alfresco labs 3b + sql serve...

zlyjjj by Champ in-the-making
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Pb performances

bonjour,je rencontre depuis environ un mois de gros problèmes de performances sur Alfresco.j'ai une version 2.1.0, avec MySql 5.0.17Windows server2003, et Tomcat 5.5.26.Le serveur est un quadriproc, 3go de Ram …Le site tourne en production depuis plu...

sebest by Champ in-the-making
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Recherche avec Lucene

Je suis entraîne de développer un extension pour faire des recherches personnaliser. J'utilise des webscripts et ajax.Je veux chercher les fichiers avec un certaine string (1) d'un space d'un certaine string (2).Pour faire le premier, j'utilise le su...

libman by Champ in-the-making
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Records management record cut-off and automatic destruction

I'm having trouble getting record cut-off and automatic destruction working with the Alfresco records management module.I'm using the Alfresco 2.1.0 community tomcat bundle and version 2.1.0 of the records management AMP, i.e.alfresco-community-tomca...

aw560 by Champ in-the-making
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Authentication when calling a method

Hi,I try to call a service method from SoapUI.  So I call startSession on the authentication service first, then I use the ticket to create the WS-Security header for the method I want to call.  The header looks like:     <wsseecurity xmlns:wsse="htt...

fgeorges by Champ in-the-making
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Can't create Web Projects

I try to create Web Projects, but I can't.1. Log in as admin2. Go to "Company Home" -> "Web Projects"3. Click "Create" pull down menu and click "Create Web Project"4. Fill in the Name and DNS name and click "Next"5. Click Next for three times6. The b...