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Forum Posts

Retrieve the categories assigned to a spezific document

Hi, can please somebody help me with the following question. i have a simple query that finds a document in a spefic folder. i have assigend a category via the Web Interface to this document. when retrieving the document and it's properties, the valu...

robobot by Champ in-the-making
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importar correo electronico usuarios ldap

Hola que tal, tengo configurado alfresco con un active directory pero como nuevo requerimiento de mi jefe quiere que se importen las direcciones de correo electronico de los usuarios y queden disponibles en el profile del usuario para poder realizar ...

kocoubb by Champ in-the-making
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importar correo electronico usuarios ldap

Hola que tal, tengo configurado alfresco con un active directory pero como nuevo requerimiento de mi jefe quiere que se importen las direcciones de correo electronico de los usuarios y queden disponibles en el profile del usuario para poder realizar ...

kocoubb by Champ in-the-making
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'Parlare' con Alfresco tramite...?

Salve,è da un po' di mesi che uso Alfresco, ma ancora non riesco a capire gli step da seguire per alcuni problemi.Io ho una Web Application che si interffacia con una base di dati SQL Server. L'applicazione deve gestire un flusso documentale. Per flu...

dteca by Champ in-the-making
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Problem with Alfresco in Windows

Hi,     I installed alfresco "Alfresco Labs -3stable-full setup.exe "in windows xp.     After installation I ran the alfresco server .     But this path in browser "http://localhost:8080/alfresco" says "Requested source not available."    But "http:/...

Tomcat restart error...Alfresco SVN

HiI am using the Alfresco SVN edition ……i configured my database to MYSQL …it is successful .But when i restart my tomcat or when i start my tomcat for the second and forth…….i am getting a error as..10:20:14,944  ERROR [catalina.session.ManagerBase]...

harsha by Champ in-the-making
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Custom content model and complex field queries

Hi I am hoping to build a rather simple set of custom content objects which will have editable property fields of different data types. The different object types will have internal relations of typical 1-1, 1-n type. The amount of data stored and cr...

mysparkle by Champ in-the-making
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Error por BBDD

Hola, Hace unos días instalé Alfresco 3.0 y funcionaba hasta que me di cuenta de que la BBDD a la que apuntaba era la que trae por defecto HSQL y la cambie a MYSQL. Como daba unos errores por espacio en la máquina decidí volver a hacer pruebas con la...

amg by Champ in-the-making
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Impossible to show the list of category with Firefox

Alfresco ver: 2.9.0 B683Foirefox ver: 3.0.5Explorer ver: 7.0.5730.13During the categorization of any document, wher i try to get the list, firefox diplays nothing. Whe I do the same operation with Explorer 7, the list is showed properly. note: I' don...

ruera by Champ in-the-making
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