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Forum Posts

what does package name cmr mean?

Hi, every one here:Could any one tell me why alfresco has package org.alfresco.service and org.alfresco.repo (most of the code are in these two), and what does cmr mean.Thank you.

gengshg by Champ in-the-making
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Count downloads

I am evaluating Alfresco for our company. One of our requirements is to be able to count the bytes of downloaded content on a per user basis.From what i have understood this would require creating a custom aspect.As far as documentation goes i haven'...

maxmil by Champ in-the-making
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login failed -- labs 3b on RHEL 5 - help please

I am trying to evaluate alfresco document management.  I downloaded the 3b installer and ran it, then ran the db_setup.sql file to do the mysql grants.  I started up the server using and gave it a minute to initialize.  I pulled up http:...

cyclonez by Champ in-the-making
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fonctionnalitées d'alfresco

bonjour;j'ai installer alfresco-labs-3b-linux, et je cherche un guide d'utilisation de ce dernier, je veux savoir quel sont les fonctionnalitées d'alfresco?merci

mina_ged by Champ in-the-making
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Problems moving from Labs 3c to 3d/stable

Hello,we are currently moving (our testsystem ) from alfresco labs 3c to 3d/stable.Unfortunately alfresco 3d refuses to start up. Has anyone experienced the same?Our procedure is:- backup production mysql:alfresco- backup production alf_data—– on te...

bjohanns7p by Champ in-the-making
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installation du alfresco sous ubuntu8.04

bonjour à tous;je suis une étudiante à usthb, je suis entraine de préparer mon pfe sur les ged open source, et j'ai besoin d'installer alfresco sous ubuntu8.04, mais malereusement j'ai trouvé des difficultées diverses et je me bloque, parmis d'elles:...

mina_ged by Champ in-the-making
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installation alfresco sous ubuntu8.4

bonsoir,je prépare mon projet de fin d'étude qui est sur la gestion electronique de document .j'ai envie d'installer alfresco pour avoir une idé sur le fonctionnement de ce produit.est ce que je peut avoir une documentation dont je trouverais les éta...

lydia_5165 by Champ on-the-rise
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Configuration for JBoss, JBoss working but configuration not

I have been attempting to configure Alfresco running under JBoss, but no configuration changes make any difference!Working TestFor my test case, I installed Alfresco and JBoss straight out of the box, with minimal configuration:extract alfresco-labs-...

edk by Champ in-the-making
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Ubuntu install issues, or bugs?

I installed labs 3.0b on ubuntu 8.04.  It works pretty well, which is kind of amazing considering that it's an 800Mhz, 512MB system (a new one shows up next week).  However, there are a few issues, and I'm not sure whether they're install problems or...

loonsailor by Champ in-the-making
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