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Forum Posts

move document

Hi,how can you move a document if you have the id of the document and the path of the destination folder?I need to move the document in a presentation template.I've tried with document.move(destination); or things like that…this is a part of the code...

ndk by Champ in-the-making
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Tansformación de un único fichero en múltiples ficheros

Lo primero hola a tod@s,a ver si me podéis orientar en cómo resolver lo siguiente (soy novato con Alfresco). Tengo montado un Alfresco 3.0 Community final en una Ubuntu Server 8.04.2, con las funcionalidades de CIFS, FTP, etc funcionando sin problema...

cnova by Champ in-the-making
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Historial del workflow de un documento

Buscando una solución para poder visualizar el historial del workflow en un documento … me encontré con que esta característica no la trae implementada Alfresco .. (versión 2.x ) y a nov del 2008 no se tenia respuesta a esta interrogante …..Alguien d...

hrojas by Champ in-the-making
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Exportar Usuarios y Permisos

Estimados:Junto con saludarlos la siguiente pregunta como migrar o exportar en un acp los usuarios y sus permisos para luego ser cargados tambien via acp a otro alfresco.   Muchas Gracias

psantis by Confirmed Champ
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Updating variable in start task node in other task node

Hi all,I have a workflow, where during starting the task, the user is required to insert a value into a variable, let's say "sanz:total"In the next task, I need to update the total value, how do I do that?I've tried to show the property in the next t...

santoso_n by Champ in-the-making
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XML files, DITA and the Open Toolkit

Hi,I've seen a few threads here that offer only a dearth of information about managing XML files and setting up the Alfresco environment for using DITA.  All the online Alfresco demonstrations center around MS-Office files, which we do not use.Am I m...

todd_acl by Champ in-the-making
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Maven : AMP artifacts obsolete ?

Dear all,Now that part of Alfresco config must be mostly overridden though "shared" classes (in order to be shared with "share"…)AMP artifacts appear obsolete, since there is no "shared" support.Right, or did I miss something ?Thanks in advance,Franc...

flefoll by Champ in-the-making
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easy question

Hi people, Just a simple question, well probably it is simple. I look around all the web config file for find the condition to make a property mandatory.For instance, during the creation of a content the name should be mandatory otherwise is not poss...

joksy by Champ in-the-making
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UTF-8 Encoding Issue with Umlaut in file-name

Hi Forum,I'm working on a php presentation template to display valid / becoming invalid / invalid documents.Everything works fine, except if there's a file with an german umlaut in the filename. This occurs only with php, cifs and anything else is wo...

strophi by Champ in-the-making
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