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Forum Posts

Getting errors while deploying sample jBPM Workflow.

Hi,I have configured Alfresco 3.0 on JBoss 4.2.2 & I have created a sample workflow using eclipse as<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><process-definition   xmlns=""  name="simple">   <start-state name="start">      <transitio...

Add languages, lab 3

Hello,I have installled labs 3 and I tried to add some more languages.I have changed  /shared/classes/alfresco/extension/web-client-config-custom.xml<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="Languages" replace="true">      <languages>         <la...

maraki by Champ in-the-making
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[Résolu] SSO avec NTLM

Bonjour,Je suis actuellement en stage et mon projet est de mettre en place Alfresco 3.J'ai réussi à l'installer sans problème sur un Windows 2003 serveur en virtualisation.Maintenant j'aimerais que les utilisateurs de l'active directory n'aient pas à...

sisa by Champ in-the-making
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Target directory of dynamically deployed workflows

I'm trying to figure out which directory contains the process definitions when deploying with the eclipse JBPM designer plugin.It looks like there are a few other threads asking this question in the past, but none appear to have an answer.I initially...

rsulliv1 by Champ in-the-making
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Hi AllI need to Undeploy aldready workflow .from workflow console command i used undeploy but still it listing that workflow options

OpenOffice XSLT XML data merge

I have created a prototype project for a standalone document service that works by applying external data to an OpenOffice document using XSLT.  The service works by unpacking the odf, extracting the relevant file (e.g. content.xml), and applying dat...

snowch by Champ in-the-making
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Best practice: i need a suggestion

Hello.I need a suggestion about getting  properties from files in a defined space through Web Services.Example: i have a files (file1, file2, file3) in the space "Some Space". How can i choose this space and get the files properties (e.g. name,descri...

alexey by Champ in-the-making
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Problemas con nodeRef ¿inexistentes?

Hola tengo un problema con los dichosos nodeRef, y es que intento actualizar las propiedades de un archivo para lo que utilizo el nodeRef. El caso es que obtengo el nodeRef y al actualizar, salta una excepción de que el nodeRef no es valido.Sin embar...

ditmgl by Champ in-the-making
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Share et Caractères spéciaux

Bonjour,Alfresco fonctionne a 99,9%:Configuration-Alfresco 3 stable sur une ubuntu 64bits-AD pour import des utilisateurs-AD / NTLM pour les connexions automatiques de explorerUn de mes collègues n'arrive pas à se connecter sur alfresco share à cause...

jdeclerck by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco share error sites

Hola cada vez que intento buscar un site en mi alfresco share me devuelve el siguiente error:Wrapped Exception (with status template): Se ha producido un Error al procesar la plantilla 'Method public org.alfresco.repo.jscript.ScriptableHashMap

brouco by Champ in-the-making
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