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LDAP filter users

How to?steps1. we have in AD following group alfrescoUsers2. user p.web is member this group and user k.nett is not member this group3. in our AD we not use uid and cn is following kind Иван Иванович Иванов,therefore use DN in quality ldap.authentica...

paulweb by Champ in-the-making
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Problemas al Subir Archivos en Alfresco 3.2

Hola, acabo de instalar Alfresco Community Edition 3.2 sobre Windows Server 2003 Standard, se instalo correctamente y pude entrar al Share a crear un sitio, pero al querer subir archivos a la libreria de documentos me sale error, simplemente me dice ...

gvillaran by Champ in-the-making
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Cannot delete a space

Hi allI'm a newbie to Alfresco, and I'm having a problem deleting a space. I get the following error:Unable to delete Space due to system error: Non-unique path: found : /app:company_home/app:user_homes 0Has anyone got any help from me about this?It ...

songsta by Champ in-the-making
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retrieve content file

hello i have a problem and i don't know how can i resolve it really, i want to create a java function who allow me to retrieve a content of text file stored on alfresco, i don't know if is that possible with javai hope that you can help me thank you ...

Graphic Font type?

I really like the text format of the characters on the Alfresco logo on the Share login page and the top left once you logged in.  Does anyone know what specifically that font is?Thanks.JR

jriker1 by Champ in-the-making
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Instalacion alfresco en RedHat y con jboss

Estimados:junto con saludarlos quisera solicitar su ayuda con respecto a un tema que es nuevo para mi, me han solicitado instalar alfresco pero no con tomcat sino con jboss en un amaquina con redhat, todas mis instalaciones estan echas en ubuntu con ...

psantis by Confirmed Champ
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Create Add subCategory

Hello, I try to execute a script to create a sub category under a luceneSearch on the category i want. The name of the category will be the document.namethis is my code :   var category = search.luceneSearch("PATH:\"cm:generalclassifiable/cm:UBGDS//...

kevin-56 by Champ in-the-making
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Synchronization questions

I have Synchronization kind of working in 3.2.  I say kind of because if I hard code a name in for the CN it works fine.  Problem and questions:1. I have fields in AD ADAM for most of the fields in the user form.  Is there a way to add additional att...

jriker1 by Champ in-the-making
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LDAP and eDirectory

Hi,I'm trying to setup Alfresco 3.2 to interact with Novell eDirectory. So far I just can't authenticate with LDAP using this config :authentication.chain=alfrescoNtlm1:alfrescoNtlm,ldap1:ldap#alfrescoNtlm1alfresco.authent...

clauded1 by Champ in-the-making
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