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Resolved! Alfresco RM File Plan Import Layout?

I have a file plan already created in excel and now I want to upload the file plan into alfresco RM site. Where can I get the import layout or format?

thamilanga by Champ on-the-rise
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Resolved! How to use customproperty with aikau InlineEditProperty

Hi,i need to use customProperty ('customProperties.stcprojectID.value') with this.originalRenderedValue = this.getFormWidget().getValue()[this.postParam]; in InlineEditProperty aikau widgetthis.postParam = 'customProperties.stcprojectID.value';this...

janaka1984 by Star Contributor
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Resolved! SSO support for Aikau apps

I want to create a standalone Aikau app to show document list and has webscripts which get info from Alfresco server. I want to implement SSO for the standalone app.Does Aikau support SSO using Kerberos? how can SSO be configured for this app?

sgupta by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! How to correctly add an aspect to a node?

Hello,im using alfresco public java APIs to manage an alfresco repository.Therefore, in one of my methods, i want to add a custom aspect to a node.i tried to do as it's mentioned in the NodeRef cookbookie:QName CUSTOM_ASPECT_QNAME = QName.createQName...

CandidateUsers from java code in BPMN

I'd like to call java code to populate the candidate users in a user task. Something like this:<php><userTask id="MyUserTask" name="User Actions" activiti:candidateUsers="${candidateUsers.getAllCandidateUsers()}"></php>where candidateUsers‍ is a Spri...

Settings for minimum requirements

I want to set "ALFRESCO" at the minimum requirements, I need to use the least amount of memory ram. How can I do?, ¿Where are files and properties I need to change? , Thanks.

cjmm90 by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco 5.1 with active directory Windows server 2012

Ciao a tutti, volevo integrare l'autenticazione LDAP su Alfresco community 5.1, usando windows server 2012 come domain controller.Utilizzando queste righe sul file alfresco-global.propertiesntlm.authentication.sso.enabled=falseldap.authentication.all...

Resolved! where are stock natives webscript

Hellohere is my context For a company I have to make a migration from Alfresco to Alfresco 5.1In the my co-workers erased some native webscript about Datalist (lists.get.js, uniquelist... , parse-args.lib.js)I would like to check if t...