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Lista de archivos .bin en el repositorio

Muy buenas foreros,estoy investigando un poco el tema de los binarios, a ver de qué manera se pueden rescatar, hacer backups, listar, etc.He creado una pequeña aplicación que lista todos los archivos en la carpeta alf_data/contentstore/ y los muestra...

javigarcia by Champ in-the-making
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Not longer 'Moderated', if site details changed

If i change the description of an existing site, the site is not longer shown as "Moderated". All seems to work, but in site listing ("Sites" -> "Search") the "Moderated" tag is missing. Maybe only an optical issue?And if a site manager forgets to se...

mfischer by Champ in-the-making
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call document preview

Can I call and show this web script on web client     org/alfresco/modules/document-preview.get -> script is used (on share) to show a document preview...

dabada83 by Champ in-the-making
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Buenas… Alguien me puede ayudar hacer un script?Necesito un escript que compruebe si un espacio existe, y si es asi copie su contenido dentro del espacio

Where to put, docs aren't helping

In reading Alfresco_SVN_Development_Environment and related wiki topics I have mostly managed to get a working build environment for Alfresco on my Mac. One of the problems that I'm stuck on is how to override the log4j properties. The wiki suggests ...

nlfiedler by Champ in-the-making
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Determine roles assigned to a given user

Once again, I struggle with the permissions in alfresco: I'd like to find, on a particular node, whether a user is assigned a given role. (I'm only interested in statically assigned roles, since I want to dynamically add new ones based on the configu...

burriad by Champ in-the-making
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Share: lists component?

One of the serious gap I'm facing, when you want to move from Sharepoint to Alfresco Share, is the management of lists. In a collaboration environment, this is often crucial: todo list, issue list, bug tracking, risk log,…I have searched a bit the we...

mystikcool by Champ in-the-making
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Hi!in my alfresco project, i point dir.root to:dir.root = C:\Alfresco\alf_databut the folder is create in C:\JBoss\bin, when i deploy in Jboss Server why?Thank for your help!

sgomes by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco and liferay Integration

Hi i am confused with integration of Alfresco and liferayI have installed Alfresco Community Edition3.2My requirement is the documents uploaded in alfresco should be visible through liferayWhen i searched for this, some are saying that there is a por...

anu7168 by Champ in-the-making
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