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Forum Posts

Getting document path in Alfresco repository

Hi,In our project,we have a requirement that states that when some content is published,if it is having links of some URL which are having some document attached to them e.g,i need to create ...

Processing web form rich text into a PDF

Is there any established method for handling rich text fields in web forms so that they can be output to a PDF?I've tried using an xhtml2fo XSL stylesheet to convert the XHTML elements (, but unfortu...

uqtdettr by Champ in-the-making
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Evaluierung von Alfresco für Unternehmenseinsatz

Guten Tag,wir führen derzeit eine Evaluierung zum möglichen Einsatz von Alfresco in unserem Dienstleistungsunternehmen durch. Dazu wollen wir beispielhaft den Prozess der Bearbeitung von Eingangsrechnungen in Alfresco abbilden. Diese werden zentral e...

mpeters by Champ in-the-making
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How to attach a file to my content?

I am quite new to Alfresco. My version is 3.2.2r. What I want to ask is how to attach a file to my newly created content?I know I can hyperlink a URL to my content.But I want to know if I can attach a file to my content instead of using hyperlink?It ...

lydia by Champ in-the-making
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Publishing Website in aflresco 3.2

Hi,I am using alfresco 3.2.After deploying the website in local or remote server, how to publish and view our published website.I have checked some of the training tutorials but in all the pdf information was given only till deployment.Known people p...

sharmsram by Champ in-the-making
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cant we preview jsp file like html file in webproject of alf

H i everyone,I have a doubt regarding wcm in alfrecso……cant we preview jsp file like html file in webproject of alfresco….?I just want to have a preview of jsp file in wcm webproject i created…..similar to that of html page…..cant i do that bcoz i am...

Content Export

Hi there,I'm an Alfresco newbie using Alfresco Labs 3.2 and am trying to export the content from a web project.  I follow the process as documented in several options, but I never get an ACP file.  I was able to successfully export/import the Web For...

kramoutar by Champ in-the-making
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Workflow deployment failed

Bonjour, Je teste Alfresco-Share en version 3.2. Pas de soucis à l'installation et création d'un site test avec invitation. Les invitations ont été modifiées comme indiqué dans le post :

onyme by Champ in-the-making
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Install on WebSphere 6.1 express

I was able to successfully deploy Alfresco (v2) on WebSphere 6.1 after a few mods on a web.xml:WEB-INF/faces-config-custom.xml to ,/WEB-INF/faces-config-custom.xmlNow I have any error or warning message into log file, but the first home page present ...

majori by Champ in-the-making
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