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Forum Posts

requete sql en script

Bonjour,débutant sur l'environnement Alfresco j'ai quelques petites questions.Je souhaiterai savoir s'il il est possible de se connecter à une autre base de donnée mysql (même serveur que la bdd d'alfresco)  par script et si oui comment effectuer des...

WDR Deployment Target - alfresco

Hello,In Alfresco 3.2, the Web Delivery Runtime deployment engine was introduced. Amongst the preconfigured deployment targets is the DM deployment target: alfresco.I am lacking a bit of understanding as to what the functions of the DM deployment tar...

lilyh by Champ in-the-making
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Variables Templates FreeMarker

Muy buenos días a todos,Quería saber cómo mostrar la ruta completa (ristra de carpetas) donde se encuentra un documento mediante un correo electrónico. (como el location de breadcrumb-mode del fichero web-client-config.xml)El email lo enviamos cuando...

Records Management Console - List of Values

I'm trying to use the List of Values feature of the Records Management Console but only a blank panel is displayed.Anybody having used that feature with no values previously defined in the 3.2r2 version or having similar problems.Traced through the c...

fpp by Champ in-the-making
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Multi-tenant and deleted files

Hello,I have installed Alfresco 3 Stable in Multi-Tenant mode, and all seems to be working fine, apart from 2 issues:1. Deleted files are not visible / present in the Manage Deleted Items space.2. The following error occurs in the catalina and alfres...

marty by Champ in-the-making
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pdf/a converter?

I need to convert content in Alfresco to pdf/a.  Are there any converters anyone can recommend?  Usable in javascript, java or php?

targa2000 by Champ in-the-making
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Permitir edición en línea por defecto

Muy buenos días,Estoy configurando la edición en línea sobre los documentos de Alfresco mediante webdav y me gustaría saber si se puede aplicar la edición sobre todos los documentos por defecto.La idea es que todos los documentos se puedan editar sie...

HibernateException: Hibernate Dialect must be explicitly set

I'm having a problem with the Alfresco EE 3.2 trial installation.  Followed the installation instructions, but when I try start the Alfresco with the alf_start.bat script, tomcat starts but then displays errors:any suggestions?19.01.2010 14:57:26 org...

targa2000 by Champ in-the-making
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Faire des formulaires sous alfresco

Bonjour,tout d'abord merci pour ce forum suis totalement novice sur alfresco, nous avons une version 3.2 community d'installée.Nous désirons créer des formulaires en ligne qui seraient remplis par des utilisateurs. Nous avons donc installé WCM ...

ehermouet by Champ in-the-making
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