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version java web service client alfresco - RESUELTO

Buenas a todos.Estoy entre otras cosas migrando de version Alfresco. Debido a las integraciones que necesitaremos realizar se me plantea una pregunta:¿Todos las versiones Web Service Client funciona para la version de java 1.4?  ¿Tengo que recompilar...

dewil by Champ in-the-making
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Tomcat error when installing from src

I've installed everything I need and the code builds / deploys to tomcat with no problem.After starting both the app and virtual containers I get nothing in a browser.I see this error in my virtual container logs: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException org...

jckdnk111 by Champ in-the-making
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Call MoveTo Dialog from Share WF Task

I would like to try to add to a WF that will be run within Share JS code that pops open the MoveTo dialog that is available to a document in the Share documentlibrary.I tried doing something like this in one of the workflow tasks:var moveTo = new Alf...

ghernando by Champ in-the-making
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My Company Spaces

I would like users in a Collaborator or Editor role to be able to copy and paste images between several  spaces in My Company. Seems the only person that can do that is an admin or a person belonging to the Admins group. What rights or role does a us...

addStatusMessage does not work

Hello, I'm trying to display a info message after a dialog finishes. I'm using: Utils.addStatusMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "Message");but this only displays current time, and no message. On the other hand Utils.addErrorMessage("message") work...

No se aplican las reglas

Tengo una regla creada para que me pase un archivo de una carpeta a otra pasandolo a .pdf previamente…solo los documentos .docy me lo ha echo una vez perfectamente, pero ya no lo hace más.. saben porque puede ser.Un saludo.

santoss by Champ in-the-making
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Problemas en Lucene Indexes

Al momento de dar click sobre un link en un archivo .pdf o .lnk no abre el link en internet explorer, abre una página en blanco donde se muestra un mensaje que el archivo está dañado, sin embargo cuando se tiene local el archivo, si se muestra, esto ...

naguilar by Champ in-the-making
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Requete Lucene webservice Alfresco

Bonjour,J'exécute une requête lucene via l'api php sur un site Alfresco. Mon problème est lorsque j'exécute une requête du typePATH:"/app:company_home/st:sites/cm:monsite/cm:documentLibrary/cmocumentation/cm:Répertoire avec accents//*" AND TYPE:"{htt...

arnaudjs by Champ in-the-making
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User preferences

How can an user(user mode, not admin mode) change your data preference like email, password, etc?

brwel by Champ in-the-making
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