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Offre d'emploi Alfresco

Bonjour,Ce n'est pas une annonce habituelle, mais je crois qu'elle a sa place sur ce forum. J'espère qu'on ne m'accusera pas de hors sujet  :mrgreen: En résumé, Alfresco renforce son équipe en France et recherche un consultant.Profil technique, expér...

michaelh by Champ on-the-rise
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Adding aspects and lockiing nodes in one transaction

Hello,I am having issues with following scenario which is performed in Dialog (I looked into BaseDialogBean code it seems my all action are wrapped into transaction which is something I would expect and shouldn't be worrying about that):1. If acted n...

akomisarek by Champ in-the-making
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Changeing font color

Hi everybodyI'd like to know how to modify the background color (from pale blue to green) of alfresco explorer's bars (shelf,breadcrumb,toolbar, ecc…); I tried to modify the files "main" and "picker" stored in C:\Alfresco\tomcat\webapps\alfresco\css,...

_valerio_ by Champ in-the-making
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Falla en plantilla email para notificaciòn

A solicitud de Pedro Jimenez he reabierto en un nuevo post esta consulta …Plantilla utilizada al momento de invitar posicionado en la ventana "detalles del documento"  y luego adjunto el mensaje que me envía el sistema.Plantilla————Un nuevo documento...

hrojas by Champ in-the-making
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Message and Date in Workflow

Hi, I have two little questions. I don't find anything in the Wiki and here …1/ I want display a little message, like an error message to show initiator his initial error (eg. The custom property isn't right, you don't start this workflow.).<decision...

MySQL Error on Installation 3.3

Hi,I'm starting with a fresh installation of alfresco 3.3. using sles 10 and mysql 5.0.84.I tried the quick installation and the tomcat packaged versions. Both stop with the same error.17:18:40,918  INFO  [domain.schema.SchemaBootstrap] Executing dat...

LDAP-AD members of subroups w different OU path

my ldap.synchronization.groupQeury is working fine - getting the main group and all sub ldap.synchronization.personQuery is not returning members of subgroups, where the subgroups have a different ou path…no errors in catalina.out.i've used...

Share surf components' reuse

Hi, I want to develop my own Document Library and as a first step I developed my own document list. But I also want to reuse existing alfresco components, such as left handside tree (Library). For this purpose I wrote this template (actually very sim...

hkır by Champ in-the-making
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