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Forum Posts

[Résolu] Supprimer un onglet du Navigator

J’ai actuellement besoin de supprimer l'onglet "Mon Alfresco" dans le Navigator du webclient Alfresco.J'ai pu assez rapidement m'apercevoir que cette modif pouvait se faire dans le component JSF UINavigator déclaré dans le fichier /WEB-INF/faces-conf...

jc09 by Champ in-the-making
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Installable exe for Alfresco 3.3g?

Hi All,Is there any Installable exe available for Alfresco 3.3g?Or for 3.3g we have to check out source and build?Thanks for any help.

nikes by Champ on-the-rise
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SMB server crashes with memory error after 1 hour

If have just installed Alfresco-Enterprise-3.3-MacOS-X-Install on Snow Leopard Server version 10.6.3. The only changes I have made to the install are the adding the following lines to the ${installdir}/tomcat/shared/classes/

ACP :: Domino :: Import :: Migration ? ? ?

Tout est dans le titre  :roll: 1) Quelles sont les règles syntaxiques pour générer un package ACP ?(format du fichier XML, …, etc)2) Objectif : Convertir une base Domino -> Alfresco en passant par un package ACP => Cela a-t-l un sens ?3) Qui a déjà c...

oguruma_59 by Champ in-the-making
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pasar de lista a string

buenas, estoy creando un tipo de documento con sus propiedades y tengo un problema, una de las propiedades es de tipo lista y cuando hago el "createNamedValue" me peta porque dice que hay que pasarle dos strings… si le pongo un "toString()" a saco ta...

ijr87 by Champ in-the-making
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Add document

Hi!I want the user in a Task to add documents but I can't find out how. The process is basically, assign responsible, email customer, store document from customer in workflow and then perform a couple of review-tasks and end process. But I can't add ...

buurd by Champ in-the-making
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Setup of ldap-ad in alfresco

Dear all,I have many problems on setting up a working ldap-ad configuration in alfresco. I already tried several solutions proposed in other posts but they didn't work at all.Here my  configuration:repository.propertiesauthentication.chain=ldap-ad1:l...

enr by Champ on-the-rise
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nfs zero byte file problem

:? Hi,I've installed Alfresco Enterprise 3.1 Release on a rhel4 and configured the alfresco nfs server.The section in the file-servers.xml is this:<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="NFS Server">      <serverEnable enabled="${nfs.enabled}"/...

flados by Champ in-the-making
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¿Manual de uso?¿Guía de uso?

Hola.Acabo de instalar Alfresco en Windows bajo Tomcat.Me gustaría saber si alguien conoce algún manual de uso de Alfresco para comenzar a utilizarloGracias de antemano.

nanija by Champ in-the-making
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Bonjour,Je souhaiterais mettre en place le type d'architecture (haute dispo) décrit dans ce document diapos 7 et 8.Je voudrais savoir plusieurs choses :Est-ce une ...

bucher0n by Champ in-the-making
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