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Alternativa a CIFS

Hola a todos!!Tenemos un proyecto en Alfresco que lo que hace a fin de cuentas es gestionar la recepción de documentos diferentes vias (via email, via fax…)Para mover esos documentos a Alfresco y que ahí se procesen con las reglas que yo tengo defini...

Multilingual content not rendering corretly using ftl

We have a problem rendering Japanese content using a freemarker ftl template. All the Japanese chars come out with ? chars. We are using community edition 3.3g.We imported Japanese content into our avm store using web scripts and are able to edit it ...

sefkan3 by Champ in-the-making
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Getting Application Context from a webservice

Hey, im using the kofax plugin Ascent, and i need to add a property to a node inside DbNodeServiceImpl. That property is stored in my database. But to access tables in the database i was using this   protected static ApplicationContext ctx = FacesCon...

p3d3r0s0 by Champ in-the-making
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Como faço para integrar o Share com o Email?

Boa Tarde a todos,Sou novo aqui e novato no uso do Alfresco.Já tive o prazer de acompanhar as aulas online para conhecer o produto e aparentemente ele será de grande valia para a minha empresa e por isso resolver investir nele.Estou com algumas duvid...

Some suggestions for Activiti 5.0.beta1

Dear Activiti's developersI have read this link Activiti-JIRAwhere appear Versions: Due 5.0.beta1 Release Date: 01/Sep/105.0.beta2 Release Date: 01/Oct/105.0 Release Date: 01/Nov/10I don't know if both links above are the unique places to know the ex...

dr_pompeii by Champ in-the-making
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como logar no alfresco

Boa tarde     Eu instalei o alfresco na minha maquina, depois digitei a url htt://localhost:8080/alfresco, aparece o sistema, consigo navegar em algumas paginas, no entanto não como chegar a tela de lgin e senha, alguem sabe o que eu estou fazendo de...

[Solved]Dynamic creation of properties?

Hello,I want to add a news properties to a content under Alfresco, but without attributing him a custom type or associating him an aspect.My question: is it possible to do this dynamically with Java API, without having constraint on the number/type o...

lamba by Champ on-the-rise
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Creating a website with user registration feature

Hi…I need to create a website with login form, blogs, forums etc.. I proceeded with community edition 3.3g. By using share, I had created a site which has blog, forums as default… I found we can connect our share(site) with our active directories to ...

winsenthil by Champ in-the-making
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No arranca Alfresco

Hola,Alfresco no quiere arrancar y dice el alfresco.log:00:00:00,054 WARN  [] User registry synchronization already running in another thread. Synchronize aborted03:00:01,488 ERROR [org....

centosa by Champ in-the-making
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BPMN Data Stores

Are there any ideas on how to implement BPMN Data Stores in Activiti?As they are defined to persist beyond the scope of the process, would they be connectors to external storage systems or would Activiti provide something like an engine-wide variable...