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Forum Posts

Unique id of activity instance

Hi,I implemented an execution listener which is configured for service and user tasks. I want to notify some component about each task that has been started and completed. Beside the activity id, this call should include a unique id of the activity i...

Continue execution without completing a subprocess

Hi guys, we want to know if is it possible to continue a process execution if a subprocess is not completed.For example, we have a subprocess A and a subprocess B like this, A->B. A has two end nodes, one is executed and the other is waiting for a us...

mduffour by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! Create WCF Web Services for Alfresco.

I need to create soap based web services for Alfresco in order to integrate with third party web application.Required web services are as followervice 1:Input: custom metadata fieldoutput: List of documents contain such metadata field.Service 2:Input...

Resolved! Tomcat gzip configuration not working - Community 5.1g

Team, Recently I want to have vanilla test with siteminder and installed  version 5.1g community editionI configured my SSO and it is working, but I observed that it is taking too much time to load dashboard.From Siteminder login page to Alfresco das...

g_rathod by Star Contributor
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Problem with the Reports section

Hi,I am new to using Activiti. After logging in with user-password "kermit", I chose the section Reports then any of the options given, let's say Process Instance Overview.I got a red box in which it is written:        Problem evaluating script: Refe...

moakra by Champ in-the-making
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Login via email or nickname not username (ldap-ad)

Hi,I am newest in Alfresco. Please help me in step by step.Environment: Alfresco community edition in Ubuntu 14.04I can login by username from ldap-ad. But I need to login by email, nickname or other properties.Here is our AD architecture.DN = User_O...

erong by Champ in-the-making
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Busqueda lucene por property de ASPECT

Hola, Estoy intentando hacer una búsqueda con lucene a partir de un  TYPE y un PATH, pero quería añadirle también un ASPECT con su property. Estuve probando varias formas pero no doy encontrado la correcta. ASPECT:estado:aprobada¿Entiendo que tendría...

Resolved! Problem in retrieving content passed bycontroller.

I created amp project for Alfresco to create a webscript, after deleting helloworld.get.js I added and related config and ftl files. But when I pass a content from controller using model.var, I couldn't access it in my view file using "$...