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Forum Posts

Metadata Question...

I am new to alfresco and trying to figure out the metadata stuff. I uploaded a jpg file with the following metadata fields: Title, subject, rating, tags and comments. Does this info stay with the file when I import it into alfresco? I don't think it ...

feeco by Champ in-the-making
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Copiare/salvare i dati di alfresco - urgente

Ciao a tutti, ho una macchina ubuntu server con installato Alfresco, utilizzo esclusivamente il CIFS.. Da stamattina sembra che tomcat6 non funzioni bene e m'inchiodi tutta la macchina, sono stato così costretto ad arrestarlo, mi chiedo, c'è modo di ...

CIFS and Autoversioning

We are mapping one our Alfresco spaces as Network Drive on XP, using CIFS.We als added a content rule on this space to add the versioning aspect (on update) so we have some files there that are versioned and some that are not.We are editing these fil...

cosminaru by Champ in-the-making
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Explores Vs Share

Qualcuno può fare luce in merito alle due interfacce di alfresco?

izio by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco 3.2-9 / Ubuntu 10.4

Bonjour,J'essaie désespérement d'installer Alfresco sur une machine Ubuntu 10.4 LTS sans succès.Je croche depuis hier sur ce problème et j'ai recherché / consulté plusieurs posts relatifs à mon problème et malheureusement je n'ai pas trouvé de soluti...

jask by Champ in-the-making
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Problema con luceneSearch

Buenos días a todos,estoy creando un script que se ejecuta según una regla que he puesto a una carpeta, y en el script necesito hacer una búsqueda de una categoría, que me vendrá por un argumento (esta parte la tengo ya echa)el problema viene a la ho...

Issues installing Enterprise 3.3 linux

Hi,I am getting the following error in the catalina.out file after installing alfresco-enterprise-3.3-linux-installer.binError: no `server^M' JVM at `/<install_dir>/alfresco/java/jre/lib/i386/server^M/'.I am just performing an out of the box...

jacksoke by Champ in-the-making
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Testing ACtiviti, but download maven, tomcat.. :(

hi alli did try the activit beta2, and it is runn wellbut i got that the ant, download maven, download tomcat.. that is annoyingand when we wanna to re-run again, it recreate the h2.will this become the standard activiti setup model?i try ant -projec...

fthamura1 by Champ in-the-making
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5.0.beta1 Activiti Examples (Test Cases) FAILED in Grails

Hi,Majority of the Activiti Examples Test Cases FAILED due to error NullPointerException for runtimeService variable in Grails environment. But this problem only happened in Activiti 5.0.beta1 not 5.0.alpha4 (All tests PASSED). Currently, this issue ...

limcheekin by Champ on-the-rise
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