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Forum Posts

How to capture the process instance end event?

Hi all,I try   <process id="executionListenersProcess">      <extensionElements>      <activiti:executionListener expression="${myTaskListener.t()}" event="start" />    </extensionElements>        <startEvent id="theStart" />           ………      ………. ...

natejh by Champ in-the-making
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Reading a variable set in the DelegateExecution

Hi all,I'm just beginning learning Activiti and I'd need a bit of help with Execution variables.I'm setting some variables in a serviceTaskpublic void execute(DelegateExecution arg0) throws Exception {                           . . . .            arg...

mark1970 by Champ in-the-making
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Change Logo

Hi,How I can change the logo in community edition to my company logo? tks

sikandar by Champ in-the-making
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Document Level Security

I am in the process of evaluating a content management solution at one of our large customers who is particularly keen on an open source solution. But at the same time security is also a concern: Here is what I am looking at. I need to store content...

sudipto by Champ in-the-making
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Modules pré-existants ? Utilisation dans un client lourd

Bonjour,J'ai déjà regardé les Webscripts d'Alfresco et ils répondent en partie à mon besoin. Mon besoin est d'intégrer dans un client lourd des bouts d'alfresco pour ne pas avoir à les re-développer. J'aimerai donc, pouvoir par exemple, pour un fichi...

jastjuck by Champ in-the-making
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track changes

Hallo!wie löst ihr das Problem der track changes? Was für eine Lösung gibt es bei Alfresco?Meiner Erfahrung nach gibt es folgende Möglichkeiten:- Comments hinterlassen (die Changes zu kommentieren)- anzeigen lassen wer wann eine neue Version hochgela...

enite81 by Champ in-the-making
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display what folder documents are in

is there a way to display what folder a document is in?  I am creating a report and am querying cmis:document but I cannot see where these documents are located in the document repository.

Programar un nuevo script para envio de correos

Saludos:No soy un experto programador, pero requiero su ayuda para orientarme o encontrar información de programación de scripts en javascript. Quiero crear un script que envie un correo electronico cada vez que un usuario postea una imagen desde Doc...

OpenCMIS Create Custom Content

I am new to OpenCMIS.  I am able to create folders and documents.  Alfresco also has content types either pre-defined or custom.  I want to create content types of either kind but am having difficulty finding out a way to do this in OpenCMIS.  For ex...

johnpneal by Champ in-the-making
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Erreurs Share : too many open files

Bonjour,J'ai de grosses lenteurs dans Share (pas dans Explorer), et des plantages fréquents : erreur 500, could'nt load template, etc… dus à l'extrême lenteur du système je pense.Catalina.out me sort ces erreurs sans cesse :13 janv. 2011 16:12:39 org...

swiggy by Champ in-the-making
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