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Forum Posts

Absolute url is localhost if ws called through share proxy

Hello, I created a simple webscript that find a node based on the nodeRef provided as argument and display its download url.Javascript:var node = search.findNode(args.nodeRef);model.downloadUrl = url.context + node.url;‍‍In order to get the absolute ...

alarocca by Champ in-the-making
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Propagating Share login to my own servlet running in Alfresc

I wanted to ensure that the credentials the user entered on the Share login page were used for my own servlet, running in the Alfresco webapp.Just use the EndPointProxyServlet, right?That's what I did, but it wasn't as easy as I expected, so I though...

jharrop by Champ in-the-making
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Workflows avancés, jBPM et déploiement GPD

Bonjour,je suis le tutoriel de Jeff Potts, et j'avoue ne pas comprendre la partie déploiement GPD : je déploie dans /alfresco/jbpm/deployprocess le contenu créé via jBPM. Mais je le déploie aussi via Ant (j'ai configuré mon Ant deploy, en fait il me ...

skank by Champ in-the-making
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Content Indexing on Solr

Hello,How can we do Indexing of Alfresco Content Solr over Http Network??Please respond quickly coz its somewhat urgent…..Thanx in advance

lakshya by Champ in-the-making
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JavaScript - Finding Current Site.

Hello,I am trying to search the repository according to what site the user is currently in. There are several sites and I wan't to avoid creating a seperate webscript for each dashlet. If i had the current site, the search for a specific folder can b...

cedorfm by Champ in-the-making
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Receive Task

hi guys,is it planned to extend the receive task funcionality so that it's actually possible to receive data?now the task acts more like a wait state. adding a map to the signal arguments could be powerful regarding asynchronous behaviour.

tvetter by Champ in-the-making
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AD Integration - CAL License issue?

Sorry this might not be in the correct place but if the Alfresco Server is linked to the AD server to pull accounts through for setting up users would this involve needed windows client access licenses (CALS).  All the computers in our business have ...

bensewell by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco Developer Conference - Roma 2011

Siamo felici di annunciare l’Alfresco Developer Conference a Roma, nei giorni 12 e 13 aprile 2011.La conferenza, di sue giorni, ha lo scopo di mettere in diretto contatto gli sviluppatori, i partner ed i clienti Alfresco con la squadra di ingegneri e...

mturatti by Champ in-the-making
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Document de mon installation

Bonjour !Je met à disposition une doc que j'ai réalisé suite à une installation d'alfresco 3.2 sur un serveur windows 2003. elle est largement perfectible.Elle peut servir de base à ceux qui découvre alfresco. Voici le sommaire artie installationA) i...