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Forum Posts

'hide' form sdk not working:advsearch share-config-custom

Hey all,Just making sure I'm not crazy, is there only certain scenarios that 'hide' is allowed to work? Alfresco 3.4.dIntent: For an Advanced Search Form, to hide some of the parent tags (cm:name, cm:createddate,etc) that are showing up even though I...

dhartford by Champ on-the-rise
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Removing the Flash previewer from Document Details

Hi allIs there any way that we can remove the flash previewer from rendering on the Document Details screen? What we've been noticing is that it does slow down rendering of the Document Details screen considerably, particularly in IE7 which is what w...

bengrah by Champ on-the-rise
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Share: change default page after login

Hi guysIs there any way to change what page you see after you login? In Share, you go straight to My Dashboard by default, but we would like to go straight to the user's home folder (or another location) after login. Is this possible? ThanksBen.

bengrah by Champ on-the-rise
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executer script .js

Bonjour, excusez moi de vous déranger, mais je patauge gentillement dans la boue là.Alors voici la mission : en gros je prépare un formulaire pour permettre à tous les utilisateurs de rajouter un document dans l'entrepot.Le rôle de ce script, est de ...

steppp by Champ in-the-making
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Composite/Compound documents

Hello!Tell me, please, is it possible to implement compound (composite) documents in some way in Alfresco ECM?. This is about building logical links between documents / building document hierarchy, but without using Spaces. I'm using Alfresco 3.3 Com...

d_garry by Champ in-the-making
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Freemarker injections

I have set up my deployment receiver to deploy to an Apache/PHP hosted solution.  I am wondering if there is a was to do the freemarker rendering at deploy time. Also, is there a way to do this with php (or any file really)  files. For instance, I ha...

mangar by Star Contributor
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Html Editing

I have created a web project and things are working well. The more I learn about alfresco, the more I love it.Yet I cannot figure out how to get the HTML editor to work. Or even the plain text editor. Essentially, I need to be able to browse the webs...

mangar by Star Contributor
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Edit the deployed project

hi,          i have published the webproject from bulk import. i need to edit the page which is in live (i.e., inline edit)if is this possible? …Thanks in advance :roll:

Failure to authenticate

Folks,Tried giving your product a whirl from a tomcat 5 install connecting to an Alfresco 3.4d (also tried 3.4e) installation (on a separate tomcat 6).  Alfresco is working fine, connected the OW to the Alfresco as per the guide (wsdl in bootstrap fi...