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Forum Posts

Color Change to Site Navigation

Hi, I'm doing some modification to alfresco's theme and have been searching relentlessly for an answer to my problem. I'm trying to get the site-navigation bar to become another color and I have found that i'm able to successfully do that however whe...

Alfresco Developer Conference - Milano 2011

Siamo felici di annunciare la seconda tappa italiana della Alfresco Developer Conference a Milano, nei giorni 11 e 12 maggio 2011.La conferenza ha lo scopo di mettere in diretto contatto gli sviluppatori, i partner ed i clienti Alfresco con la squadr...

mturatti by Champ in-the-making
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Corso Alfresco Intensive - Roma - 16 Maggio

Salve a tutti,il prossimo corso Alfresco Intensive che terrò a Roma inizierà il 16 Maggio, quindi volevo sollecitare chiunque volesse partecipare ad iscriversi quanto prima poiché i posti sono limitati.Vi lascio il link per le informazioni, l'iscrizi...

openpj by Elite Collaborator
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Installing Alfresco on JBoss

Hi,I have followed below link for installing alfresco war in jboss, Its not working.Installing Alfresco on JBoss :shock: it correct.Thanks,Balaji

balajimnp by Champ in-the-making
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User password in database

Hi,Is it possible to find user password directly in the database ? With one tool like phpMyAdmin or else ?I know users are in the alf_authority table but i can't find passwords.Thank you.———————————————–Alfresco v2.9b on Windows Server 2003——————————...

sheva7 by Champ in-the-making
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suppression du lien en bas de page

bonjour,je voudrais supprimer le lien sur touts les bas de page. Quand je me connecte sur alfresco avec le login mot de passe ma page d'accueil souvre et la je n'arrive pas a avoir mon arborescence sur la gauche quand je vais ...

davidjuin by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco 3.4 - Webscripts

HiI am in the process of upgrading from Alfresco 3.1.2 to 3.4. Alfresco 3.4 replaces the alfresco-webscript-framework with Spring Surf. The primary purpose of this upgrade is to take advantage of the performance benefits of Alfresco 3.4. With the cha...

show child association properties in property page

Hello all,There are a few posts relating showing properties of a child node in parent node's property page. But no one seemed to have made any progress. I've made some progress but still need some in web-client-config-custom.xml, I defined   ...

alex_lu by Champ in-the-making
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Standard Thumbnail für andere Dateiformate

Hallo an alle,es gibt ja bestimmte dateiformate, die Alfresco nicht standardmäßig mit Thumbnails versorgt, sondern nur das Zahnrädchen Bild anzeigt. Gibt es die Möglichkeit für bestimmte Dateiendungen standardmäßig ein anderes Thumbnail einzubinden, ...

florian_s by Champ in-the-making
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XML variables

Hi all,I need to use XML variables while execution. With a Java Delegate i add a variabel to the execution (it can be any object). In my case it is now a class with four Strings (name, namespace (referencing namespace), type (XSD information), value ...