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Forum Posts

Invite users to sites without email

I'm currently trying to review Alfresco Share but cannot seem to get outbound SMTP working (the subject of another forum thread order to allow me to carry on evaluating is it possible to add...

dcoales by Champ in-the-making
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Mi alfresco a muerto de buenas a primeras

Hola, hoy tras varios intentos ya no se que es lo que le pasa, de buenas a primeras a dejado de funcionar y el log es de alfresco.log.2011-06-07, sabeis como puedo volverlo a poner en marcha? no funciona ni http://localhost:8080 ¡¡¡AYUDAAA!!!16:46:10...

oddteam by Champ in-the-making
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Crear reglas dinamicamente

Hola amigos alguien me sabe dar algo de codigo para poder crear una regla para una carpeta determinada desde una aplicacion Java? no encuentro ningun ejemplo que me permita crear una regla mediante un webservice desde una aplicacion javaalguna idea?g...

novato85 by Champ in-the-making
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XPDL Support (Import / Export)

Hi MatesDo Alfresco support XPDL2.x. Can we import / export XPDL file using Alfresco.Thanks[Admin: I've deleted your cross posting - please don't cross post]

amique by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco 3.4.d probleme connection base de données MySQL

Bonjour,Je suis nouvelle sur le forum, donc si la façon de poser mes questions n'est pas conforme (ou trop longue…), veuillez m'excuser et m'en informer.Je suis présentement en stage dans une organisation et ma mission est de produire une étude porta...

Probleme demarrage d'alfresco 3.4

BonjourMon projet de stage est "la mise en place de la solution alfresco pour la creation et la gestion des espaces partagés".j'ai installé la nouvelle version de alfresco 3.4 mais j'arrive pas a acceder ni a l'explorer ni a share j'ai fais une insta...

anika by Champ in-the-making
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i am not able to call a manage bean ?

hi ,     i have written an been class called startworkflowcustom . i am calling this manage bean from an custom config file .but it's not executing the bean .here is the  config custom xml. i have also mentioned in faces config file as below.please l...

jetty by Champ in-the-making
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Add items to 'Change Type' dialog in alfresco share 3.4+

Hi,I want to add items to "Change Type" dialog in alfresco share 3.4 community version. I read few posts around blogs and this forum and those are -