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parrtager un espace entre plusieur utilisateurs

Bonjour  :?: est ce que on peut utilisée une partition Y: par exemple  ( une map network drive )du disque a plusieurs utilisateur en même temps , pour des utilisateurs travaillant en groupe sur les mêmes fichiers  de  la même espace .

kassabmoh by Champ in-the-making
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Including form.get.head.ftl in dashlet in web-extension dir

I have a problem including form.get.head.ftl into my dashlets in web-extension directory (tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension/site-webscripts/……).If I include it like this:<#include "../form/form.get.head.ftl">‍‍‍in my dashlet  head file sud...

CMIS - objectPath is unique, objectId is not

Hi all,After going through the CMIS specification, I think having application written using CMIS getObjectByPathwould provide uniqueness to application code as well as source of data instead of objectId.Problem with objectId (unique id based on CMS p...

nikes by Champ on-the-rise
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File multiple files as a single record

Hi All,Can we declare multiple files as a single record in Alfresco RM ?For example if we have multi media files with videos and annotationAny other compound document having many files as components for example patient record with some support docs l...

Erreur dans la recherche avancée

Bonjour,Je suis actuellment sur une version 3.4 entreprise pour essai en vu de prendre la version définitive (avec support).Ubuntu 10.10.J'ai déjà créer des types avec ou sans aspect avec recherche avancée qui tourne très bien (je précise pour info) ...

Activiti Designer not showing swimlane / participant info

Hi forum,I have been looking into Activiti and I have a small doubt.I modelled a simple process in Activiti Modeler. This process had two swimlanes that I used to identify the participants.When I tried to enrich the BPMN2.0 in Eclipse with Activiti D...

npereira1 by Champ in-the-making
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Pacote de idioma no Share

Boa tarde pessoal,Estou iniciando no Alfresco e baixei o pacote de idioma em português que está no forge, mas só o explorer ficou em português! Como faço para traduzir o Share, já existe um projeto de tradução para o Share ou um pacote pronto e dispo...

belcastro by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco no encuentra archivos PDF

Tengo un problema, recientemente mi alfresco ya no busca en archivos PDF con OCR, anteriormente si funcionaba.Ya opté por reindexar lucene al full, pero sigo sin encontrar ningún archivo cuando se realiza una búsqueda.

Versionable aspect vs. versions

I'm developing some business logic for an Alfresco 3.4d installation and I'm having a problem with the versionable aspect regarding the number of versions created.For testing I have a space with no local nor inherited rules. If I load a document into...

konsultex by Confirmed Champ
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