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Forum Posts

Invalid destination? Why?

Hi,I am stuck at a process definition. It validates according to BPMN 2.0 Spec with activiti extensions. I get the following error:13.10.2011 08:13:07 com.bigcompany.wfe.WorkflowEngine deployResourcesSCHWERWIEGEND: Deployment failure: org.activiti.en...

mhw by Champ in-the-making
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Exception when process is about to end

Hi,I've a process doing some things . When I complete the last task of this process I get the following exceptionEVERE: Error while closing command contextorg.apache.ibatis.exceptions.PersistenceException: ### Error querying database.  Cause:

ruben1 by Champ in-the-making
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4.0a guest user, no autorization

Hello.Is in the version 4.0a reslowed "problem" with no autorizating or opening share sites by guest user?.I want to public site "*:8080/share/page/site/xxxsite/dashboard without is possible now?Thanks very muchRobert.

(SOLVED) Setting selected value in dropdown from model

I am populating a form in a dialogue from values from a database query.One of the fields is a country field. I now want to set the value of a dropdown with the selected value.However, my code has no result. Even alerts placed in the code is not runni...

crafter by Champ in-the-making
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Alfresco tarda mucho en arrancar, más de 25 minutos

Hola a todos:Hoy sobre un Alfresco que tenía, he puesto los .war originales (versión 3.3.5) y me di cuenta que tarda mucho en arrancar, unos 25 minutos.Luego probé con una versión bajada nueva y lo mismo, da igual la primera vez creando la bbdd o las...

Alfresco 3.4c et Sharepoint Workspace 2010

Bonjour,J'ai installé Alfresco community 3.4c via le packadge 'tout en un'.J'ai spécifié que je voulais sharepoint d'installé (ce qui fu fait).L'url http://ipserveur:7070/alfresco demande un login/pass lorsque je la demande via un navigateur.Dans Sha...

xarkam by Champ in-the-making
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Groups / Roles / Document Access ?

Hello guys,I m just discovering Alfresco, I've installed the latest package and browsed the online documentation but I'm not sure about Alfresco features regarding roles/group and documents.My requirement is simple, I need to create 3 users groups :-...

kcpo by Champ in-the-making
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alfresco de MySql a PostgreSQL

Hola a todos, quisiera compartir con los foristas la problematica que estoy tratando de resolver, resulta que tengo instalado Alfresco v 3.2 sobre MySql y lo deseo migrar a PostgreSQL manteniendo la misma version de Alfresco(3.2), si alguien lo ha in...

tozino by Champ in-the-making
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Execution application hors Eclipse

Bonjour,J'ai réalisé, sous un environnement Windows XP, une application qui interagit avec Alfresco (création de dossiers, copies de fichiers). Cette application est codée depuis Eclipse et utilise le SDK (les projets SDK AlfrescoEmbedded et SDK Alfr...

mike__ by Champ in-the-making
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